Ahh jeez, I wish Illidge hadn’t told me that. Pot here is 4 times the price it is in Canada and only about ½ as good (a quality coefficient of -8). Half the time you can’t find anything hydroponic and have to settle for scraggly, stringy, seed-infested bush buds at a hundred a half. Sometimes you can’t even get that. Dealers have been known to coat it in hairspray to add weight. Nice.
I don’t drink anymore but I like my pot. I like that nice buzz which changes my day ever so gently from stressed-out deadline guy to home with the kids Dad. A nice puffy after dinner to relax with Mrs Joe, do a little writing or build an air-powered water rocket (preliminary tests went well with the rocket ending up across the street at only 30 pounds pressure. Need to shave some weight though). Then a bit of a snack and a good night’s rest. Without it I spend all night doing CAD drawing in my dreams…the same damn box over and over and over.
But now the government is saying it causes schizophrenia and that hydroponic pot is “full of [un-named] chemicals”. Hell, there's lots of chemicals, water is a fucking chemical. I drive past a hydroponic lettuce farm every day, it’s a growing technique not an artificial enhancement. No different to growing tomatoes in a hot-house with inflated CO2 levels…’cause that’s what tomatoes like.
I don’t drink anymore but I like my pot. I like that nice buzz which changes my day ever so gently from stressed-out deadline guy to home with the kids Dad. A nice puffy after dinner to relax with Mrs Joe, do a little writing or build an air-powered water rocket (preliminary tests went well with the rocket ending up across the street at only 30 pounds pressure. Need to shave some weight though). Then a bit of a snack and a good night’s rest. Without it I spend all night doing CAD drawing in my dreams…the same damn box over and over and over.
But now the government is saying it causes schizophrenia and that hydroponic pot is “full of [un-named] chemicals”. Hell, there's lots of chemicals, water is a fucking chemical. I drive past a hydroponic lettuce farm every day, it’s a growing technique not an artificial enhancement. No different to growing tomatoes in a hot-house with inflated CO2 levels…’cause that’s what tomatoes like.
What I resent is a governing body which feels the need to trick people into a point of view. I’m not fucking stupid, if your idea is a good one then lay it out. Put that fucker right out there for us to have a look at. But you haven’t got one do you? That’s just your finger in your pocket isn’t it?
What else have they done…..
1) Accused boat people of throwing their own children into the sea, in the week of an election when their platform was based on tough immigration policies. Later proven false.
2) It is illegal to do the Wave at a cricket game.
3) It is illegal to drive or ride with your elbow on the window sill.
4) You must get permission to hold a protest demonstration.
5) It is illegal to use “offensive” language which includes simply disagreeing with a police officer, or refusing to answer (ironically). In other words it is illegal to be ‘difficult’.
6) Endorses National ID Cards, which one would be required to have and carry.
7) Endorses “English” (do something from Taming of The Shrew for us) tests for new immigrants, yet insists they “speak Australian”. The irony is completely lost.
8) Advocates legislation which would allow corporations to sue anybody who called for a boycott against them.
And that’s all off the top of my head. Damn trickery it is, and I resent it! I say again with slightly more emphasis. Nope, I’m pretty sure that’s just their finger poking through that natty gaberdine at me. Trouble is, the rest of these yobbos don’t want to risk it’s not a gun and they keep re-electing the fuckers.
I’m all for the American 8-years-and-you're-out rule instead of these smug back-slapping bastards sitting around pulling each other’s puds and all the while scaring Daz and Debbie Public with stories of sinister Chemicals and Asian (Muslim) Hordes at the door, weapons of mass perplexion and the moral dangers inherent to being Un-Australian. Certainly can’t have people making up their own minds, they might decide to elect somebody else. Then again a lot of people like having somebody else do their thinking.