Sunday, September 30, 2007

cabbage eaters

Near here is a village and near that is a town and the town has a hardware store open on Sundays. I often go to this hardware store with a mental list of items I intend to purchase like

a) large container for dog’s water
b) 3” paint brush
c) set of solar garden lights to scavenge for parts to make solar powered anti-disruption helmets to ward of the rays. The rays, the rays.
d) Whipper snipper line.
e) half a dozen large hooks for hanging plants and hitchhikers.
f) more shovels.

But when I walk in I become distracted by the bright lights and that thing that shakes the paint so that I instantly forget what I’m there for and wander around and around looking for clues until security starts to wonder what the tall guy is doing lurking down in the plumbing section. And I end up leaving there with an 1/8” drill bit and a lawn mower.

And so it was today and as I made my way home I was stopped at the traffic lights, the ones just before the bridge which takes you out of the town. And as I waited for the light Sunday traffic to clear the intersection a man and what appeared to be his grandson took the opportunity to cross the street in front of me. The old man had wiry white whiskers and walked with a limp, he carried groceries in a semi-transparent plastic bag. Generic brand frozen pizza and a small bottle of whiskey were on offer for that night’s dinner. Behind the man loped the boy, about 12 years old, carrying a large cabbage. He carried it like Hamlet addressing Yorick, in the palm of one hand and out in front of him. Alas poor cabbage, soon ye be boiled.

As they walked, the boy peeled leaves from the cabbage and munched on them. Perhaps he had been promised this cabbage for some good deed performed and was now reaping the benefits of honesty and hard work. Regardless, he was eating that cabbage like it was potato chips.

It was then that I realized why I can’t get high speed internet. Bloody cabbage eaters. The government decides what areas have priority when allocating money for communications technology and on the Big Map Of John’s Empire this area is coloured a pale shade of green due to the great number of cabbage eaters herein. “No, no don’t bother doing anything about them, give them Etch-A-Sketches ® and tell them it’s the latest wireless technology. And give them each a cabbage, a sign of respect in their culture.”

If only I could get them less interested in cabbages and more interested in pornography. Or better yet, cabbage porn! Streaming web cams of naughty cabbages wearing stockings and smoking cigarettes. A cabbage being whipped by a gang of masked carrots led by a cauliflower in a Gestapo uniform. Cabbages in schoolgirl outfits and extra hairy cabbages, cabbage on cabbage and extreme inter-vegetable action all day 24-7.


Wednesday, September 26, 2007

a telescope could beat-up a microscope, I bet

Girlie got herself a friend. Still playing with that shoe, must be a tricky one. Women’s shoes are like their moods, shiny and sometimes pointy. I don’t know what that means just as I don’t know why there is a pig up there with the girlie. Fascinating.

I am. Fascinating. If I was a scientist who was allowed to do stuff in the lab after hours and I discovered a bacteria that was just like me, but smaller, I’d probably stay until 8-o-clock every night just watching me in a microscope. I’d write down whenever I did anything interesting, which is all the time I bet.

Microscopic me would of course be looking at macro me through a telescope and jotting down in his journal “nothing yet.”

Monday, September 24, 2007

Mow Me Kangaroo Down

Got me a ride-on lawn mower. Red one. Came from United States in a shipping container marked “Lawnmowers For Freedom” and in smaller print “Eat Pepsi”. I’m sure it’s good and everything, but I got that one because it was the very least expensive one they had that still looked cool. Has lights. Red. Also they deliver and even fuel it up for you.

Man from the tractor place came to drop it off just as I pulled in from work. Man was afraid of the dogs. Happy jumping, sneezing, wheezing, snarling, coughing, licking dogs. I thought the man was silly, churlish, hollow of spirit, doleful, baleful, a little sad. I said they won’t bite, what’s your problem. The what’s your problem part I just thought.

Then he showed me his scar from three weeks ago when he got bit delivering a tractor. Took a good chunk out of his knee. I began to see his point of view. Then he showed me the other one way up on the side of his chest. I had been going to tell him about when I was 11 and had a paper route and almost got bitten but I’m getting better at not saying stupid things so I just said “wow” which, although vapid, is intellectually ambiguous. Then Jessie barked at him.

This made him turn quickly which made Jack bark at him. Jessie spun around once and barked again. Jack sneezed and howled a little. Jessie spins, Jack sneezes, which is their way of saying “Hot Damn! Somebody new’s here and he smells funny and look at his hat and he has a truck I wonder if we’re going in the truck it smells like tires and he’ll have to help you up Jack ‘cause you’re fat. Hot Damn!”

The tractor man didn’t see this though and went on to say how you never can tell and you never can know what a dog’s gonna do. I agreed with him as it seemed the response least likely to propagate further conversation. He gave me the low down on the mower, Mrs Joe gave him a cheque and he hurried off, trailing one tie-down strap from his little transport trailer. Jack and Jessie loped half-heartedly after him, hopes of a ride fading fast. Jack, the pragmatist, stopped first and waddled back to the house. Jessie, the optimist, stood half way up the drive until she could no longer hear the tractor man’s engine then she too came back.

The fuck do I care? I got a new ride-on mower and it’s got lights and I mowed my lawn in 17 minutes and it’s a red one, made in America but available locally.

Friday, September 21, 2007


I tell ya technology is leaping ahead exponentially and Australia, a country which didn’t get colour TV until the 70’s, is just not catching on. The rest of the civilized (and by civilized I mean we fight with machines, not machetes) world has fibre optics sprouting from its collective ass and in places that do favour the machete like Nigeria, they’ve gone completely wireless – skipping the copper landline stage all together.

Here in Aus we have a still-partially-government-owned-but-sort-of-privatised-too telecom system which is made up of a cobbled-together tangle of copper lines with mechanical switching, ADSL, cellular, satellite, and trained koalas which carry messages in little backpacks and works fine if you want to send a message up a gum tree. You take a koala out of his tree he’ll scratch the shit out of you then die from a heart attack brought on by stress. They have a right hissy fit.

And so it is we find the new compound, although only a scant 4.8km from our other house, is not able to receive broadband ADSL service. Our choices are to go back to dial up, go to satellite, or try the still-sort-of-government-run telco’s highly bragged about 3G Wireless network “coverage to 98% of Australia, only $39.95/mo”. Well, ok said we, let’s try the 3G, we can get two of those nifty USB modems – one for the main computer and one for the laptop. Well sir, turns out that 39.95 is the El-Useless plan which caps usage to 0.5 gigabytes/mo. Half a freaking gig! And if you want the USB modem it costs $250 otherwise you get the normal “wireless” modem which requires a wall socket to run.

Well, god help us we don’t want to go back to dial-up, that would be just wrong, so let’s get one modem on the medium plan $49.95 with a generous usage cap of one (1) GB. Goodbye u-Tube.

2-4 working days later the modem arrived in the mail with the set-up pack. Try as it might, set up was unsuccessful. No Fucking Signal. We live in the most populated region of Australia, the coastal strip between Sydney and Brisbane, 10 minutes from the major North-South freeway, Highway 1, but apparently we are in the 2% of Australia which does not get coverage. You want high-speed in Fuck-head Creek, Northern Territory, no problem. Want to check your email while traversing the baking Nullarbor Plain, it’s as good as done. But not here, buddy.

So, you ask, through what sorcery did I manage to post this post upon the wise and knowing internet, keeper of all knowledge and more porn than one would believe could have been created since the invention of video tape. Well, by pacing the property with my phone, which is also 3G but works here, I managed to find a useable signal out in the laboratory. If I place the modem on the windowsill with one antenna erect and one slightly askew I can get one bar of signal. A 1GB cap seems somehow optimistic now.

Here is a photo from my new back veranda. Look hard, there won’t be many photos for a while until I can see about satellite service.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Gone Fishing

Well that’s nice. The Predator has brought the girlie a spinal column. Make a nice soup with that. She probably won’t appreciate it though. Still puttin’ on that shoe.

16 or 17 hundred years from now the archaeologists will argue over this post’s meaning since the girlie will be dead by then and The Predator will be living in Florida. Little bait shop, fishing charters, that sort of thing. Nothing like spinal cord for catching blue fin.

He could have popped the skull off first though. That was a little thoughtless of The Predator. No damn good for anything, skulls. Unless you’re putting on a play.

Anyway I hope she likes it cause I don’t need The Predator moping around here all weekend, getting underfoot, always wanting a hug. I’m moving tomorrow and he can either help or fuck off. And no beer till we’re done.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Lookee There

Got a girly resting up there. She's puttin’ on her shoe, looks like. I suppose she’ll be on her way once she gets it coupled. You don’t see men goin’ around puttin’ on their shoes a’fore their britches. Even them Scots bastards with their red checker skirts, they put their damn boots on last, overtop ‘em long woolly socks they got. You watch them socks, they got a knife in there.

I got a half sister who’s half Scottish. Can’t understand a word she says. Well I haven’t seen her in 20 years but I assume I wouldn’t understand her, she’s a woman. She got a couple boys, my nephews, sent me a photo one Christmas. Neither one looks like either of The Proclaimers, which is not surprising as my sister does not know them, but is surprising because most Scots do look like The Proclaimers, even the women...


Monday, September 10, 2007

Helmet rule limits car’s versatility

Local car dealership sent me a package. A DVD featuring the rally prowess of the Suzuki SX4, which from the picture looks to be a car, along with an invitation to take my own personal test drive AT MY CONVENIANCE. They’re willing to wait. Not only does it have a sporty engine, it has a roomy and versatile interior. It’s versatile. Maybe it converts to an air-hockey table. Maybe not. It’s a stupid game since they made helmets mandatory.

Since I don’t plan to buy one of their automobiles it would be ethically wrong of me to watch or enjoy the promotional DVD. I shall dispose of it forthwith lest I be temped to watch the same car drive down a variety of scenic roads while the pretty people laugh and non-smoke themselves into a froth.

They will make full use of the cup holders and sun roof. The girl passenger who is pretty and not allowed to drive will cheekily change the radio station and the man driving in aviator shades and driving gloves will use the steering-mounted controls to change it back and activate the child-lock. And they will laugh in anticipation of the sex and nachos they will have later.

No sir, they won’t tempt me with their craven images of wanton lust and rally suspension, tight cornering and eager responsiveness to my slightest touch. Hot, thrumming... I’ll be sending back a terse note thanking them for their invitation but assuring them I won’t be parting with my trusty diesel truck anytime soon. May not be fun and sporty but godamn it I’m stuck with her now, the truck that is.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Friday, September 07, 2007

Wicker is the France of furniture

I bought some surround sound speakers but they only partially surrounded me and I easily escaped. Come on out, they called on one of those bull-horn things that also plays the Mexican Hat Dance and the High Ho Silver tune, come on out for you are partially surrounded. Surrounded with our sound. It is foolish to resist. You have only two ears.

And they were right, just the two. So I threw a leather recliner through the window as a distraction and wrote a short poem

Chair chair over there
You used to be over here
They backed off after that and I was granted safe passage. My hand was stamped in case I wanted to return later. I don’t think I will, but the stamp is nice. It says FAXED, but not in a slutty way.

I don’t think you believe me. I really don’t think you do. It wasn’t a chair you know, it was a recliner. Damn it. They’re action furniture. They get the job done.

The speakers have since re-grouped and have the coffee table in a classic pincer movement but there’s nothing I can do there. The table was weak, it will fall before dawn, and I will have to get an ottoman or a short Turkish man to rest my feet on after dinner.

Thursday, September 06, 2007


Wikipedia has a list of films banned over the years, organized by country.

There were the predictable - China banned Seven Years In Tibet (and actor Brad Pitt for being in it), Chaplin’s The Great Dictator was banned in Germany from 1939-45 and one called Cannibal Holocaust appeared on quite a few lists, cited as ‘extremely disturbing’.

But who would have thought the Irish would ban Monty Python’s Life of Brian? In 1916 the province of Manitoba, Canada banned ALL comedies (this was later lifted but apparently nobody told them because it’s still a horrible horrible place something like Nebraska but duller). Malaysia had the longest list, mostly for horror or violence but also banned there is the lovable story of Babe the pig. No mention of Charlotte’s Web which also features a talking pig and a spider who may have been a witch. Australia banned King Kong, Frankenstein and Dracula in 1942 and, inexplicably, Reefer Madness the notorious anti-marijuana film. Iran sensibly banned Saturday Night Fever, while Sweden un-sensibly banned Mad Max, as did New Zealand. Thailand banned three different versions of The King And I.

Japan and Italy banned the fewest films and Denmark only banned one, in 1937. I don't know what it was about, but apparantly it pissed off the Danes and that's saying something. They're all nuts, well Hamlet was and he was of them. When dinner parties end with everyone dying in a poison-soaked sword fight nobody's worried about talking pigs.

Yeah. That.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007


A tidy home is just you with all your stuff set around the edges of the room on shelves, in cupboards or stacked in CD racks organized by genre, not title. Food in the fridge, rubbish in the bin, dirty clothes in the hamper and clean ones in the closet. Cleaning up is taking things from the centre of the room and putting them all back around the edges, tables being the only things allowed to stray from a wall. This makes them aloof by the way.

We have begun taking objects from around the edges of the rooms and placing them in boxes. Now the boxes are around the edges of the room. Piled like cairns in some places, others alone on the floor by the door no doubt waiting to go somewhere. They are not allowed on our edges anymore, they have to go further out. Salvation Army, hospital bookshop, local landfill. The rest of the boxes wait and read each others labels to judge fragility, which is a sign of status to them.

In 10 days a large box on wheels will receive the patient boxes, the ones not sent away, and transport them to a new place. And our stuff will be removed from the boxes in the reverse order it was packed, that is by how long one can go without needing it, and placed around new edges. Some things will feel at home, will fit perfectly and be happy, other things like the long table which fit nicely in our old kitchen will feel awkward and will stand out. We will trip on them and no place will be suitable and they will fall out of favour. We will wonder why we even bothered to move it, being so heavy and the wobbly leg we blamed on the floor will now belong again to the table and it will appear shabby. It will be moved further out, perhaps to the veranda where sun and rain will finish the concept.

We keep people on our edges and we order them by how long we can go before we need them and sometimes we mistake familiarity for shabbiness. We let those people weather until they fade away and sometimes we miss them but usually we don’t. It’s just the way it is.

Monday, September 03, 2007


Got no time for
Interrupted sad sunshine
Or locusts breathing down my neck.

Got fishing line for
Wrapping round my wrists
Central heated fists
Head aches but feeling fine

Inbound, incoming
Duck down keep running
Stay down and stay cunning
And don’t forget to laugh

a high, cackly one

It was all about nothing
And nothing’s circumspect
Except sad sunshine

Or locusts breathing down my neck.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

this took two days to write

Here are some ideas for new reality TV shows…

Lord of The Super Flies: Take a desert island, drop in a planeload of 90’s hip-hoppers in spandex bike shorts and let them fight it out.

Sniper vs. Tax Attorney: Each week a tax professional is hunted by a special forces combat sniper on a desert island.

Home Sweet Hobo: A middle class family’s life is turned upside down when they are forced to spend a week inside a homeless man.

Organ Swap: People trade lungs, hearts, lower bowels etc and try to meet special challenges before infection sets in, with hilarious results.

Deadliest Catch Midwives: Join a rugged group of midwives catching newborns during Alaska’s brutal winter birthing season.

Last Crack Whore Standing: 10 crack whores vie for the attentions of one dealer.

Simple Life Dentistry: Paris and Nicole open a dental clinic on a desert island where they are hunted by a special forces sniper and a tax attorney.