Thursday, June 01, 2006

It Came From The End Of The Hall (in 3D)

The older one came out of her lair for a bowl of ice cream.

Bit cold for ice cream, I said.
Mmmm, not really.
I almost had a bowl yesterday, but then I didn’t.
See you tomorrow, I said as she went back to headquarters.

We don’t know what goes on in there, but the bed’s always made, folded laundry appears now and then, and she gets awards in school. We think she may be one of those new super humans the Scientists are always talking about. We're trying to stay on her good side just in case.


exile said...

behind that door she speaks to her army who lay in wait a thousand feet below sea level (in a bunker).

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

If she is one of those super humans, make sure you get her into the Baboon Army Headquarters Compound. We'll need her super humaness.

SkookumJoe said...

yes, her withering stare would come in handy. And her ability to appear completely disinterested no matter the situation.

But I doubt she'd want to be involved with something so lame. I'd say the only reason she doesn't have a blog is because I do...nah nah. I de-coolified it.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

You are her father. You could FORCE her to do it. Like chores.

SkookumJoe said...

did you read the post above this one about Force?

Besides she's her mother's problem.

I deal with the other one. The one who, at 8yrs old, refuses to wear shoelaces to school because she wants to be different. That's great, I love different, but uniforms are required in Australia and all she's doing is making us look like backward hicks who either can't tie laces, or can't afford them.

We settled on coloured laces, btw.