Gadzooks, look what the missus brought home in her left rear tire. Appears to be ¼ inch threaded rod. Either she picked it up driving through the Road-Works-That-Are-Never-Finished on her way to work, or it’s a warning from the Russian mafia. But I’m pretty sure the Russian mafia prefer 3/8” rod for tire work. She discovered it when she went to leave work this morning. The tire was still fully inflated so she drove home with it like that. A forty minute drive, on the freeway, at 110km/h (70mph). I did explain to her this was not a wise choice but she assured me her colleague (who is 60 and looks like Granny from Tweety-Bird) followed her home to make sure. It didn’t occur to them the rod might fly out and kill someone. But as witnessed above, the rod stayed put and the tire did not go flat. Hoorah!, said the crowd.
This is a very funny post. She probably drove home with the tire that way in order to not inconvenience anyone by making them come pick her up at work. Women are always trying to think of others. And then their husband's make fun of them on their blog.
Just kidding, I'm not trying to pick on you, it was a funny story!
or she could simply have put the spare tire on. That's sort of what it's for.
oh no no, there's no way she would have put the spare on, that's your job
(they make you wear the ring on your finger because it would be too obvious through your nose)
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