Monday, June 26, 2006


Well what a fine time we’ve had, eh? 18 comments generated in the great "Is Frodo Gay?" debate so far, with some lively debate and witty repartee. None of the comments actually had anything to do with the posts to which they were attached, but that’s fine. We can talk about anything y’all want. As posts go they were fair-to-crappy anyway.

I feel bad for young frodo/Tyler who has clearly bitten off more than he can chew, although I think his heart is in the right place. He has some strong convictions that he tried to defend and if he was a bit clumsy in his defense I put it down to inexperience and a faulty spell-checker. Unfortunately the cuteness wears off Tyler, and if you keep up this shrill approach with people, you might find it gets worse, not better. By shrill, I mean taking things too seriously… a bit like Millhouse on The Simpsons when he gets worked up.

For example: Tyler claimed he called his friend’s blog “gay” in jest, and when I made the original comment that’s exactly what I thought he was doing and I assumed by “gay” he meant lame, poor quality, silly – I threw out a quick comment because I thought it was ironic and I find irony amusing. I had hoped he would too, and perhaps make some sort of jokey reply.

But the young man was offended and instead of just saying nothing at all, or at least continuing the argument on his own blog where the initial (mine) comment was made, he came over to my blog and left his comment there. And it was a comment that rather begged to be boxed in the ear. He should-na outta done that, George (that’s a reference to Steinbeck and Bugs Bunny, frodo). He was in trouble from the start because I really really enjoy a proper argument being both a logic-junky and a smart-ass. So I was all for pushing some buttons, but now that we know frodo is indeed only 17 (was it?), well that’s different. At that age things can seem mean when they are not meant so.

So with all that in mind I hope frodo or Tyler now understands that nobody meant to offend his sensibilities and that if he couldn’t see the funny side of it, probably the best thing would have been to just leave it be. So no hard feelings I hope, and come back and visit if you like.



Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Brokeback Empire?

Sandra said...

*hangs head*
I suppose I'd better stop stirring the young man up, then?

Sandra said...

No problem re. the Catholic thing, Frodo. And sorry for being snarky about your spelling, that was just mean of me.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Teach a man to fish, after all...

Ghetto Photo Girl said...
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Unknown said...

It's good to see things are calming down in the Shire. It looked like everyone was taking a turn poking the retarded kid with a stick.

exile said...

I like how on modern bikes the gears are set so the reverse motion of the devices where your feet go will not hinder your forward movement

...I’m sorry, I don't know why "back pedaling" popped into my head just then.

trixy hobbit-iz

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

H. Wood cracks my shit up!

So do you Skookum. I'm with Jutratest, lets get back to our regularly scheduled babboon DNA splicing already!

SkookumJoe said...

Here here.

Lets move on before we hug. That's so gay.

exile said...

you know what else is gay?