Friday, March 07, 2008

Volcanic kittens and the war on telephone poles

Just chatting volcanos with P4. Volcanos are hot, the boiling point of rock being probably greater than the boiling point of water, which as we know is pretty hot already. Then we wondered if boiling alcohol would burn you if, for some reason, someone boiled a pot of alcohol and threw it on you. Perhaps in revenge for something, but still, it would be an odd thing to do. We didn’t know the boiling point of alcohol though, so we worked out in our heads 1/7 + 1/8 which we took to be 15/56ths. All things considered, it was the best we could do.

One of our cats did an amazing thing. It issued forth 6 more cats, but smaller. Now there are 8 cats. P4 wonders if she has told the father yet. SJ remembers saying something like “yes, I guess you can get another cat, if you absolutely must, but TWO is the limit and don’t get a female.” Eight.

What’s the father going to do? Bring over ½ a mouse now and then and take the kits to McDonalds? Of course not, feline paternity laws are lacking at best.

To prove a point I went outside, cut off the top bud from my marijuana plant which is grown for purely ornamental reasons (good feng-shui, or however the fuck you call it), cut it up right there and then and smoked it in my little brass pipe given to me by my lovely wife whom, as you know, I hardly ever think of strangling. Smoked it wet and green. And you know what? I got as stoned as I do from that shit they try to sell here for 3 bills an ounce.

Illidge if you say one fucking word about what you get back in Canada I’ll…be depressed. And then you’ll be sorry. Bastard.

Bloody fascists. Government pamphlets implying pot causes schizophrenia, use hydroponic equipment and you’re classed as a drug-lab for fuck sake. I never heard of anyone smoking a joint then… doing anything, really. Maybe draw a doodle, or play a video game. But I know a guy (Illidge) who, when drinking vodka, picks fights with telephone poles. Hasn’t beat one yet, far as I know.

That’ll do for now.

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