Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Call Now!

Working from home today. Why? Cause I can. This so fucking rocks it's not only not funny, it's downright solem. I don't know what that means either. Anyway for today only SJ is live! Any comments left today will receive immediate response (quality of response cannot be guaranteed, refer to your waranty)

Have a nice day.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The Machines Have Turned

The power’s out, sort of. The clocks are going mental. The microwave clock was flashing some high speed intricate pulsing sort of thing while the bedroom clock has no numbers at all, just the “ : “ between the numbers, glowing weakly as though time got tired. The scanner was constantly re-calibrating itself and the air conditioner was making a faint and intermittent beeping that I have never heard before. It was switched off at the time.

And it all happened right after this ...

I’m not always good about switching off the computers during a storm but this one was different somehow and I shut down Big Media and old Skook, and disconnected little Jr from power and network connections. Laptops are great in that regard.

(2hrs later) Just came out of a two hour brown-out. Dim lights, scwewy-wabbit clocks, modems blinking…finally had to go around and unplug everything including the fridges which were starting and stoping with ever-so-quiet clunks which were insidious in their subtlety, like a bully gently smacking its hand with its fist. No good could come of it. But just now the hall light which I had left on sprung to full brightness again and a small cheer was raised by P4 (so brave). The lights on the modem and router are behaving normally again – I don’t know what they mean, but its comforting to see them flickering softly again instead of signalling the mother craft or whatever that shit was before.

1/2 hour later.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Good evening ladles and jelly spoons,

Jeez, gotta type in your life story to sign in these day...grumble...stupid....

Hey how about this? Borat, and Mel Gibson vs. John Kerry and Michael Richards in a tag-team cage match. Losers get shot in the face by….no, not him…wait for it…the FBI.

Doot-doot doottle-oot-doot doo doo – that’s circus music.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Stand Back, I'm An Architect

Good news, the opening has been plugged (yesterday’s post). After some manual coaxing and careful manipulation I managed to do it all by myself. At worst we’ll be 20mm too long and that’s better than 5mm too short.

Architects should be lined up and shot. It’s been done in the past you know. It’s tradition during revolutions, coups and juntas to round up the intellectuals like doctors, teachers, hard core librarians and architects. Not engineers mind you, you need them, but architects – soft handed megalomaniacs who need to put their fucking mark on everything. Everything has to curve, or use some exotic material…I once had an architect who wanted to flout the laws of physics and good sense by trying to push shit up-hill. The plan called for us to dig a trench from the building and hook into a main sewer line. Except the building was on the side of a hill and where we were supposed to join was 6 feet higher than where we were. We had to call the architect who was astounded because the plan on his desk had been flat, you see.

One fit-out I did back in Canada for a large restaurant required the Greeter’s little phone-desk-thingy (technical term) to be made from laminate which had to be ordered from across the country, took 6 weeks to come and cost $1500 per sheet. There are other similar laminates for about $150/sheet but the architect wanted this stuff with real copper in it (because he just did). On top of that the plan required one and one quarter sheets, so the clients were up for $3000 right there. We could have made the thing six inches shorter and saved them $1500, but no.

Rooms made 12’2” long when carpet comes in 12 foot rolls.
Entire kitchens built using stainless steel screws at 50 cents each.
Plans where stairways go UP in both directions.

I once worked on a house that had so many rooms nobody was sure what they were all for. Apparently the plans were revised at some point but earlier ones were also issued. There were bedrooms coming off each other, a second kitchen off the hallway with no windows, a huge 7 sided windowless room downstairs and another hallway that went nowhere and was 8 inches wider at one end than the other. I was doing carpet back then and we laid 3200 square feet of blood-red plush Berber. We used to work at night and it was spooky.

A waste of space and parasites on society. Like faith healers posing as doctors, some architects try to tread in the realm of engineering with no other qualification than a degree in design and, god help us, some fresh ideas. Sure you get your Frank Lloyd Wright’s and your Art Deco’s, but the average slogger out there designing the world’s post offices and strip malls should be rooted out with dogs or perhaps wild pigs and chased away.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Missus left me without an opening

The Missus has taken P’s 3 and 4 up the coast to Port Macquarie, jewel of its immediate surroundings, to meet up with her old nursing-school pal for an oestrogen-fest weekend. I am home, working until moments ago on a Friday night with more tomorrow. I can’t find the opening.

It’s a simple fucking linen cupboard. Should take about 5 minutes. Except it’s being retro-fitted into….something. There are all sorts of instructions about shadowlines, door heights, architraves, gaps and reveals. There will be a 15mm thick tile floor put in later in case you care. This cabinet must fit the opening the builder is making for it, actually it must have exactly 5mm (3/16”) clearance. That’s great, I got all that, should still take about 5 minutes…just one thing, how big is the opening? You know, the hole – how big is it? Five millimetres clear OF WHAT?

I have spent 2 hours reverse-engineering a basic cabinet to try and figure out how big it should be. Somebody thought they’d save me a step by measuring the opening, doing the math and giving me the resulting door height instead of the actual opening. It’s like trying to work out the size of the doghouse from the dog’s collar:

Let’s see, dog needs 2 ft all around…ok how big is the dog? The tip of the nose would be 147mm from the buckle and the tail would be 488mm back from the nose, the neck diameter would be the twice the square root of the inside circumference of the collar, -5mm clearance, over pi. You think. Ok so now let’s work it 50 other ways until we get the same answers everywhere and then we can be reasonably sure were right. Of course you never know until somebody tries to stuff it into the doghouse. But doghouses are one thing, $15,000 polished rosewood and stained-glass display cabinets that end 12” short of where they are supposed to are something quite different. Especially when the customer was planning her grand-opening the following day.

When I was younger I spent most Friday nights trying to fill an opening. It was just as complicated and confusing, but much more fun.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

By the way

I had nothing to do with this

Top O' The Chain, Ma

What if you could break the human body down into say 30,000 units or so? Each unit would be autonomous but could also form up with other units for more complex tasks. Imagine separate fingers coming together to form a hand when needed and breaking up again when you needed to pick your nose, ear and ass at the same time. Now imagine this creature’s brain is not separated into units, but spread over ALL the units. So units do not need to communicate, as they share a collective brain; they just know. Far more efficient and no glaring weak point, no head to cut off or spine to sever. Net-based designs are extremely robust. Damage to any one location is easily absorbed across the rest of the net. Our brains are not currently wired that way. Drill a hole in the right spot and you lose the ability to do long division. If your natural habitat is counting cards in a casino, you’d be fucked. But with a net brain and a unit-based body, you could play at 50 tables, count cards at each, compare results over all 50 tables, and enjoy a complimentary beverage all at the same time.

Of course you know I’ve been describing a hive system. Bees and ants mainly. Some might argue it is a more evolved system. But zoom out a little, what’s the ultimate ‘unit’? DNA makes up every living thing and every living thing’s sole purpose is to make more DNA. Fish do it one way and oak trees another, millions of strategies…as many as there are species of plants, animals and bacteria (not sure about viruses, lab people?).

It is argued that humans are special (and therefore the above argument false) because of our self-awareness. Oddly the bible describes this as the punishment God doled out to those mixed up kids Adam and Eve. Went and made them self-aware, unique among creatures – as a punishment. This has a strange resonance with the evolutionary model which would have us as temporarily superior freaks, spikes in the graph – bumps really when spread over any fraction of time.

Then again, mom always did say I was special and would prove it by spitting on a napkin and wiping it in my face. Yeah, top of the food chain, that’s me.

Monday, November 20, 2006


All the long-baking
Bad-ass days
All the long faking
Whirling ways
Gary’s got a headache
And they shot Beau Brady down

Curled up fingers raking
Damp dust down that day
Curled down long toenails
Razor-clipped and grey
Sally broke a toothache
But the other’s still around

And me I’m all for taking
My share of cathode rays
All my time goes breaking
In crisp and crafted ways
And I haven’t got a namesake

To blow that mother down.

-Sir Winston Churchill

Sunday, November 19, 2006

At The Tone...

We have an unlisted number. My friends ask who I’m hiding from and I reply if you were someone I wanted to talk to, you would have my number. Even so I don’t answer the phone unless absolutely necessary, it’s rarely for me. So it was with reluctance I answered it the other night after letting it ring 6 times before I remembered everyone else had gone out.

It was a representative from the electricity supplier, an apologetic young man who was named something or other. Seems he had called earlier in the week and spoken to Mrs. Joe who informed him she was very ill, so he had decided to wait and call again now. She is crafty, Mrs. Joe, and had not been sick at all but had brushed the boy off so that now I had to deal with it. What he wanted to tell me was, in short, the government had given them permission to raise the rates and they were doing it. I now had to, in effect, sign a new contract with them by answering some formal questions which would be recorded. Did I understand the new terms? Did I agree to the new terms? etc.

Well what choice did I have? Was I going to say “No, I do not agree. You have gone too far and I wish to end our relationship. Come remove your unsightly wires from my home!”? No I said whatever was required to keep the electrons flowing. He rambled on in legalize and I soon discovered the correct answer was “yes” to all the questions and after a while both of us stopped listening. Then he said soothingly “That’s it mate, all done” like he knew what I’d been through. Five minutes of my life sucked down a telephone line and stored away just in case anybody wanted to know what my answer sounded like to question 12, was it strained? Did he put enough feeling into it? Can he be trusted with electricity?

When the global warming finishes and bands of rabid Greenies rule the earth they will drag me before the tribunal and play the tapes. “There!”, they will cry, “You see? He asks to purchase electricity, he caused all this. Burn him and do not point out the irony in doing so!”

That’s why I don’t answer the phone.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

On Robots and Fairies

As we watched on television, a scanner took 200,000 individual measurements of the human body. The results were sent to robots which cut and sewed cloth into a perfectly fitted suit. I turned to P4 and said “We are living in the robot future, you know” but she looked unimpressed, she is used to a world of robots.

“When I was a kid, there was no electricity”, I said, “at night we’d sit on the front porch and watch mushrooms grow. We each had our favourite and we’d watch it grow”.

“Did it grow fast?” she asked

“No. You couldn’t really see it doing anything. It was pretty boring”. I sensed I was losing her so I added “and ALSO back then we didn’t have feet. We had to drag ourselves around and there were special tracks by the road and we dragged ourselves around in the dirt.”

“How did you grow feet then?” her voice was tinged with the cynicism she got for her birthday and I could just glimpse a fully formed young lady waiting under the freckled surface.

“I was given feet by a passing gypsy. She was heading to Los Vegas to be a show-gypsy”

“Hmm” P4 was unimpressed, “Did you know Los Vegas has the world’s biggest Fairy Village?” I admitted I did not and she said “Well it does, I know everything about fairies.”

This is probably true so I promised to consult with her on any fairy-related projects in future and we turned back to the TV to find out what else the Scientists are making these days.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Meeting of The Big Heads

According to at least one anthropologist the peoples of Easter Island came undone because they used up all the trees, the soil blew away and they couldn’t grow sweet potatoes anymore. And, because there were no trees left, their boats fell into disrepair and they could no longer fish.

I imagine a meeting where they discussed what to do with the last tree. A great number wanted to use it to make weapons to go beat up those Small Head statue makers, some wanted to make timbers to help erect more Big Head statues, some thought it should be saved for cooking fuel and one lady thought a nice armoire and matching hutch would go nice in the dining room. There was one guy though, way up the back, who suggested they fix the boats. Their ancestors had been sea-farers to come here and surely they could build some boats and go somewhere else. He had heard Hawaii was nice, there were pineapples. But the others cried “No, Hawaii is too touristy. Let us cut down the tree and burn it so the smoke will rise high and show the Hawaiians we consider them stupid and impotent during intercourse.” – or something to that effect, the result being no boats were built and they starved to death.

What’s the moral? Try not to get stuck on an island with stupid people? Smoke makes Hawaiians impotent? You don’t put a hutch on an armoire? Hell if I know. I spent ten minutes on it and moved on.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Horrible Cat Mutilation!

Here we see what’s become of poor Poly, the kitten who liked to poop in the laundry basket despite free access to the rest of the planet. Yes, we’ve had to have her stuffed and made into a handy thermometer. She also has LED flashing eyes and at 9pm each night her skull pops open and a tiny MC in a ruffled tuxedo does a ½ hour of blue jokes and a fair rendition of Mack The Knife. I was going to get a built-in radio but I thought that might be seen as tacky.

It’s not like we didn’t try to educate the poor thing. I pushed it through the cat door a dozen times each way. She got the idea straight off, but still the pooping…and the smell. God, that cat piss smell that you often find in the homes of those who have made poor choices so far in life. I’ve made plenty of bad choices, but until now I was still that last indicator away from the cover of Trailer and Park.

Then yon moggy started getting up on the benches at night and knocking the loaf of bread to the floor where she’d rip it open, chew up a few pieces and leave it. I don’t know if she thought she was killing bread and leaving it for our breakfast, or just pissed off I wouldn’t feed her a fourth time that day. I’m thinking the latter. Finally I got a mouse trap and wound a strip of towelling around the trap, not the whole trap just the springy thing which is also called the trap, so that it does not hurt. Ask P4, it got her this morning when she went to make toast. I set the trap on top of the bread and each night Polly would set it off and go running, but the first night I forgot she savaged half a loaf of wholegrain.

I must say the rest of the time she was very lovable and kind to others and had even been thinking of running for Pet Council. She was popular with the dogs who had a bet going on whether she was hollow inside or had a soft chewy centre. But we could smell this way no longer and there was nothing for it but to have the poor dear stuffed for our own amusement. Unfortunately the taxidermist was a little inexperienced. Well, I’d seen something about it on TV once. Anyway now there’s this other smell…

*the thermometer reads 32.4 Celsius, that’s 119F. I can’t keep doing this for you Americans. You really should catch up.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Ok, now say it in Irish

The weekend Herald, print edition, features columnist Mark Dapin explaining how he came to be columnist Mark Dapin. Looks like all you need to do is hold a series of boring, menial jobs throughout your twenties and early thirties, drift around a bit and finally move to Australia where being from ‘overseas’ (which is technically anywhere) makes one exotic and therefore inherently interesting. That’s me, exactly! Stories that bored the mukluks off people in Canada go over great here just because of the accent and charming colloquialisms (see: mukluk). Hell, if I was Irish I could make a living reading out the bus schedule as long as I sounded like Jimeoin.

I am assuming Mr. Dapin is paid for his work, I’d be happy with something like that. So now all I need is one or more of you readers to forward this post to all the Australian daily’s and magazines who will realize they too could have their own pet foreign columnist to put a fresh take on issues such as the price of petrol, the price of beer, what happens to odd socks and the differences between men and women.


The Missus tells me she had a dream last night where we were all on holiday. She was about to begin an affair with a woman she’d met, which later turned out to be a transvestite, when the kids and I came along and spoiled it. In the dream, she says, she thought it remarkable I wasn’t upset to find her thusly.

Well she’s right to be surprised, because upset isn't the word for what I would have been. I’m already being drowned in wet towels, hanging bras and various other accoutrements regarded necessary by la femme domestique. I can’t keep a sharp razor without it being appropriated for underarm work, Mrs. Joe and P3 have synchronized hormonally and soon P4 will fall into their painted clutches. The last fucking thing I need is to come home, trip over a pair of size twelve stilettos and find some hairy-backed freak taping down its genitals in my kitchen prior to a big girl’s night out.

If anyone actually does forward this post to a newspaper or magazine (Transvestite Monthly?) let me know at and I'll send you a postcard for your trouble.

Thursday, November 09, 2006


Big Daz: Hey, what the fuck was that?

SJ: It was…

BD:…That noise sort of like “boing!" I heard it.

SJ: It was…

BD: Did you hear that SJ? Sort of like “Boing!” ?

SJ: It was my phone, for fuck sake. Calm down. Message from Mrs Joe, she’s in town. What do I want for dinner?

BD: How do I know. How about prawn cocktail and rice?

SJ: Nah. I had rice and chilli for lunch. Fuck I don’t know, it’s a loaded question.

BD: Just say “anything”

SJ: No, that’s no good. I gotta pick something. Anything but chicken. Sick of chicken. That’s too long to message. Jeez time’s running out Daz, she’s probably waiting for an answer before she comes home from town.

BD: Fish?

SJ: Hmm, maybe fish and chips. Nah too greasy. Don’t feel like a burger either. Shit I have to write something, I’ll just have to go with “anything” and hope it works.

*SJ begins to laboriously peck out a message- ANY..T..HIN..G...MY....P..ET -when the landline rings…

SJ: Jesus! I’m typing it woman! *picks up the phone* Hello?

Mrs SJ: Hi

SJ: Jesus! I’m typing it woman!

MSJ: What? Hello?


MSJ: *crackle, static - beeeep*

SJ: She’s gone. *presses SEND* I tell you Daz people like you and me that can’t text very fast are going to be ostracized, that means cast out.

BD: What, you can send messages on that thing?

SJ: It's a telephone, Daren.


SJ: Christ on a pony. B..U..R..GE..R.

BD: What, you push once for A and twice for B?

SJ: Fuck sake Daz, it’s not new.

*boing* OK

That was three hours ago and they’re just pulling in now. Man, how long would it have taken in the old days, without instant communication? Weeks, I bet. She would have had to scrawl a note and hire a fast runner. There’s a pretty big hill on the way here, I’d have starved to death.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I ain't axing youz

A couple of posts ago we were talking about axe battles. Here is a medieval weapons expert demonstrating the axe....

Ok, now imagine there's a civil war, you don't have a shield, and Crazy Larry from down the street is coming at you with old Betsy while his wife screams "Git em Larry! Chop his (or her) ass! Then come back here, and git some lovin'."

That would scare the shit out of most people, not to mention the axe. No, only one thing for an axe weilding chartered accountant on stress-leave or his diabolical fucking away.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Enter My Stupid Contest

Sandra's giving out book reading tickets and Exoterica's giving...of herself and I just felt like I needed to have a contest too. Being cool and accepted is important to me.

First Tuesday in November today. Phones went off the hook at 1pm, BBQ was fired up, beer, wine, champagne, stinky cheese and biscuits. Our company was only one of thousands across the country doing the same and at 3:05pm we all gathered around the TV with it’s fuzzy reception for the event. In five minutes it was over, there were whoops of joy and mumbled curses and then some people went home and others stayed behind to drink. Grimey took his beer upstairs and went back to work.

Tell me, you strange people who read this crap, what was this event that stopped the nation today and does so every year?

The prize is an old washing machine I’ve got breeding mosquitos out back. You gotta pick it up. And bring a bucket to put the mossies in. I won't be home, mind the dogs.

Monday, November 06, 2006

How's it go again?

I’m watching a documentary all about how some of world’s despots used drugs. Hitler was injected daily with vitamin C and methamphetamines. I guess he couldn’t sleep so he invaded Poland.

Of course he was on drugs. How could you not be and run that travelling freak show called the Third Reich. That whole fucking monstrosity he started was like a bad Tim Burton acid trip gone way wrong. Apparently he also had need of flatulence pills. mein kampf! zat stinks.

Hey, you can’t go wrong bad-mouthing Hitler. Or Sadam Hussein. Sadam. How come all the classic bad-guy leaders, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Erkyl – go by their last names but The Sad Man is the only one we’re on first name terms with? He is never referred to as Hussein, just Sadam.

Laura, gone for milk.
Might stop in and bomb Sadam if he’s home.


Anyway looks like they’re going to hang him. So let’s see: a rich Saudi megalomaniac, operating out of Afghanistan attacks the United States soooo we took over Iraq and hung it’s leader. Is that right? And we’re winning right? I thought he was good ‘cause we called him Sadam, no? What about Kim Il? He’s bad right? But Iran might be good again? Boy, this is hard.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Frozen Turkey Pie

Our pal Sandra over there at Over Here says someone was looking for me at some mucky-muck book reading in Toronto. I was last in Toronto in 1998 to visit my brother for Christmas. We played video games and had frozen turkey pies and peas for dinner. On a lark we promised to meet again in 8 years time, at the first book-reading given in the south-south-east sector of the city in November of 2006 - as you do - but I didn't think he was fucking serious. Oh well, he'll get over it.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Brave New Joe

Finally got the beta. I had originally switched to Blogger VHS, but just my luck it never really took off. A bit easier on the old eyes and I fixed the clock while I was at it. I tried simply copying over my old template but beta is a disciplined work and it scolded me roundly for sloppily formatted code. This is not surprising as all previous changes to my old template involved snipping wires to see what went on and off and saving every time something went right. Like carving a roast pig in the dark, you’ll get fed but it won’t be pretty.

A few posts back I listed some long standing questions I’ve had. Ever since then Big Daz has been nagging me to post a question he has for everyone. I resisted but he has a way of constantly suggesting things all innocent like, as though it’s the first he’s mentioned it, until you finally scream OK fine ok ok fine yes ok I’ll do it just shut up now ok. To which he invariably replies “what?” in a hurt tone.

Big Daz’s Question For Humanity: Why does he, Big Daz, no longer receive the fellatial attention Mrs Daz used to provide prior to their shackling.

Leading Hypothesis (by Mrs Daz): He wasn’t that pretty to start with and has slowly degraded ever since. (it’s true – bowed knobby chicken legs stuck under a beer gut, long ginger beard, shaved head except for a pony tail and the rheumy red eyes of a disgraced British lord emerging from depths of a Shanghai opium den).

I shall pass on your certain-to-be wise advice to Dazza as it pours in.

Another Aussie Halloween has passed and we tied last year’s record with two (2) visits by treaters (haven’t seen a trick since…never mind). It ain’t real big over here and is viewed with suspicion by many Aussies. Why would you give kids candy just for coming up to the door and asking for it…for free. The cheek. Another damn Yankee invention (not the band, the running dog imperialists south of Canada) designed to steal our women, somehow. Oi Oi Oi.

And that’s this week’s Sunday wrap-up. Be sure to look for Saturday’s hilarious post next day before tomorrow.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Fun with geometry, no really

One of the jobs at work requires we bend some 2 inch wide strips of acrylic plastic around a 150mm (6") radius. This acrylic is 12mm (1/2") thick and very brittle. None of that is important except to say it is difficult to bend. It must be heated evenly and slowly bent at the same time. Too fast and it will shatter, too slow and it begins to melt and deform. Also it must be kept flat so it doesn't twist. The whole operation takes two people and is fraught with peril as this shit costs big money and takes forever to order in.

What was needed was a jig. A jig is a template which allows you to perform difficult or time consuming operations easily and consistently. If you need to repeatedly bore a row of 6 equally spaced holes it makes sense to take the time to measure and drill a template and then use that to reproduce those holes over and over. We needed a jig to bend these acrylic strips and I got to program my first shaped cut on the overhead router. From a slab of 2" thick board I had the machine cut this shape

"What is this!" they cried in New Factoryland, "What has the tall man made here?"

I took the part to the saw and made one simple cut resulting in these two shapes...

and we rotate the little one...

and take it around here like so...

and fit it

The resulting gap is exactly 12mm wide. Now I know you were all asking yourselves at the start "what the hell has that V-shaped notch at the bottom got do with anything?" (I say you were). And now you see this notch has become two opposing flats for which to clamp across - that's right kids, the convenience is built right in. The acrylic is heated and the clamp slowly tightened to pull the plug into the negative forcing the acrylic to take the same shape. Let it cool, remove it from the jig and there you go - an exact 150mm radius turning through 90 degrees. Beauty.

"Hoorah!" they shouted in New Factoryland, "the tall man made a funny shape into something which helps us in our toil. What a grand trick! That bastard Grimey wouldn't have helped us, he's a right cunt."

And the tall man was most pleased as well.

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Fucking hell, on second look that last post reads like a high school essay trying to be quirky. Or a John Kerry speech without a joke.

Some asshole is claiming to be my brother, and so is this guy. He’s Canadian, so it could be true. Most Canadians are related. But on reading his work he seems far too happy…unless he’s delusional, that would make more sense. Could be he was adopted. Maybe it’s part of a complicated John Kerry joke.

A botched joke. And what is to become of the poor joke, deformed and retarded and abandoned by it’s creator, now a writer for John’s Farming News in Oxnor, Illinois? Can’t have bad jokes running free, spawning puns, caricatures and hastily thrown together SNL bits. Bits that go on and on for like 12 minutes circling around the same joke until it’s rubbed raw and begins to chafe. The botched joke will be euthanized and dissected, a new course will be offered in community colleges

JOUR 330 – Advanced Speech Writing: Avoid classic traps in speechwriting such as giving a politician a joke or other phrases requiring a personality.


Did my title bar always have a frame around it? I do not remember having one. Blogger sometimes does suspicious things like send comments which are time stamped 4:12pm…except I receive them at 4:04pm same date. I have some other long standing questions that I have asked many people only to meet a wall of vagueness, a moat of generalization, ideas made of steam, lacking substance. They seem like questions that should have simple straightforward answers yet experts cannot be found.

If submarines “blow” their tanks to submerge, where does the air come from to fill them up again when you want to surface?

Leading hypothesis (by me): They do not discharge the air but rather compress it and store it in tanks.

Holes: What about when you need to dive in a hurry…compressing the air would take time.

In Australia fence posts have holes through them for the wire to pass through, instead of being stapled to the side. How do they drag barbed wire through all the posts without it getting hung up?

Leading Hypothesis (by Big Daz): The barbs point slightly backwards, so they don’t get caught.

Holes: Stapling, which is common in NA, is still far easier and does the job. There must be more to it.

How do they put up tall construction cranes and take them down without another crane, and if they use another crane how do you put up that crane without still another crane?

Leading hypothesis (by Jutra): The crane raises itself on hydraulic legs and slips in a tower section. Then it lifts up again and puts in another section. Comes back down in reverse.
There are cranes nesting along the river which meets the sea at Vancouver. Would they be the Fraser Cranes?

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

What would you save it in?

Please note, Australia has switched to daylight savings time in some places including here. The clock in the sidebar cannot be re-set without downloading a new one and sticking it in the template which is something I’m really not prepared to do for the sake of an hour. That being said, the clock is now set to Queensland time as Queenslanders believe daylight savings is evil and will confuse the cows and make the drapes fade faster (extra sunlight) and so do not switch over. For New South Wales, where this drivel is distilled and bottled, please add one hour.

Those Queenslanders will be sorry at the end of the world and not just for naming their state after a 70’s British supergroup. When the end comes and the world is plunged into darkness those places that thought ahead will have all that saved daylight to tide them over until something can be done about getting the lights on in limbo. Those with extra light and nothing to read could end up selling it. Soon there’d be an illegal trade in photons, a black light market, and those who can’t pay the ever increasing price of light will be left to scrabble for candle stubs in the gutter. After that they’ll be plunged into blackness and the Blind will rise up and rule them in underground labyrinths – much as ants herd aphids within the colony. Those white canes leave a nasty welt.

And those of us who saved our daylight will trade it to the Blind in return for goods produced in the human-aphid colonies. The Blind will use the light to shine on the humphids when they are good and to burn them when they are not, as they slave for eternity.

Of course, if the world ever stops ending and the lights come back on, those Blind dudes are in a lot of trouble.