You may notice I sometimes refer to the missus as “the missus”. In
-Anyone may be called “mate” but using “matey” is slightly aggressive. (“Is that your car blocking me in, matey?”)
-It’s OK to call an Aboriginal person a Blackfella. Just as a white person can be called a Whitefella. British people may be called whinging poms, fishbellies or anything else you like. They have no rights here.
- Referring to a person or thing as “mongrel” can be a high insult, especially to older Aussies.
-Unless at McDonalds, ask for Tomato Sauce, not Ketchup, or you will receive a blank stare. If you ask for Tomato Sauce at McDonalds you will receive a similar, somewhat perkier, blank stare.
-“Mickey Mouse” means neat or well done, opposite to the Canadian meaning.
-Fish is fish, everything else is meat. What’s in a meat pie? Meat.
-“Root” is slang for fornicate. Saying you “root for the home team” gets you into games for free.
that's fuck'n great, i just wish i had rooted for lower gas prices...
i always imagined austrailians to have this nice facade to cover a surly streak.
it wasnt' a bad post for a whitefella
ha ha ha
knew an old aussie arse once. racist, sexed-up, wannabe-rocker pothead.
felt vindicated on reading this.
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