Monday, June 12, 2006

More Aussie Slang

You may notice I sometimes refer to the missus as “the missus”. In Australia any female partner can be called the missus. It’s usage is common and does not cause offence. Do NOT, on the other hand, call an Australian woman a “Sheila” unless you want to receive a full-on torrent of abuse (see above). Other Dos and Don’ts:

-Don’t call anyone “Son” (not even in the Jerry Reed, Smokey and the Bandit way). “Pal” is not popular either (too American, apparently).

-Anyone may be called “mate” but using “matey” is slightly aggressive. (“Is that your car blocking me in, matey?”)

-It’s OK to call an Aboriginal person a Blackfella. Just as a white person can be called a Whitefella. British people may be called whinging poms, fishbellies or anything else you like. They have no rights here.

- Referring to a person or thing as “mongrel” can be a high insult, especially to older Aussies.

-Unless at McDonalds, ask for Tomato Sauce, not Ketchup, or you will receive a blank stare. If you ask for Tomato Sauce at McDonalds you will receive a similar, somewhat perkier, blank stare.

-“Mickey Mouse” means neat or well done, opposite to the Canadian meaning.

-Fish is fish, everything else is meat. What’s in a meat pie? Meat.

-“Root” is slang for fornicate. Saying you “root for the home team” gets you into games for free.


SkookumJoe said...


exile said...

that's fuck'n great, i just wish i had rooted for lower gas prices...

i always imagined austrailians to have this nice facade to cover a surly streak.

it wasnt' a bad post for a whitefella

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha

knew an old aussie arse once. racist, sexed-up, wannabe-rocker pothead.

felt vindicated on reading this.
