Monday, December 25, 2006

Here It Is - Day 1 of SJ's All Day Christmas Spectacular Extravaganza and Special Christmas Video

Well here we are again at the 1st Annual SJ Super Christmas Spectacular. A tradition as old as this blog which is about 10 months. So far this is the first Christmas we’ve come across, and there may be more, so lets just try and get through it.

An unusual event this morning, our decorative light-up miniature pine tree seems to have attracted a clutch of wrapped packages, coincidentally labelled in the same names as many of the people who live here. I figure possession is nine tenths of the law (and possession of 9/10ths will get you a trafficking charge), so we’re keeping them.

Not one but two iPods in the pile. A big 30GB video player and a cute little Nano which is currently working through a Steely Dan discography so I don’t have to listen to “Must Love Dogs” which is on the satellite and serves as more proof that John Cusack just isn’t going to come good and shouldn’t be allowed to play with the other actors anymore.

Had a round of Jr. Monopoly this afternoon and I was all prepared to dominate but was stunned to find the new Monopoly-land to be an over-regulated bureaucratic nightmare. Here is a market beaten flat like plate steel. Cripe sake, you can’t even buy railroads…you just get another turn. There are no utilities! No Tax! What sort of pabulum-spewing false utopia is this? No example at all for kids…when we were young you weren’t playing right unless someone quit in tears. The only thing we took more seriously was Risk which usually ended with the board and all 5000 tiny pieces going up in a pre-emptive strike. What’s it like these days? “Take that Kamchatka! I rolled a six, that’s a harshly worded diplomatic letter for you! Two more and I’ll embargo your ass.”

SJ trudges on toward the new year, seven past the end of the world and we’re still clinging to the surface of this wet rock like slug-slime. But I guess even slug-slime has a use and I wish the slugs well as they march by.

Thanks everyone for your support over the past 300-odd posts. Meanwhile here’s a little video to keep you going with music by the above mentioned Steely Dan and starring (in order of appearance)

Dan The Fish (as The M.C.)
Jack and Jessie
Tank Commander Hanzi

This is the rare missing reel that explains how Hanzi lost his arms….Enjoy!


Vivalacrap said...

ok. but john cuszac is good looking and thats all that really matters.

citizen***146 said...

Now i know what i wanted for christmas (apart from the weather) what a cool tank, anything that annoys cats is fine with me, happy day after from Toronto

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

You make Australia look so normal. Which I know can't possibly be true, what with all of you living upside down under the equator and all. Thank god for the magic of movies that can make it seem not so!

SkookumJoe said...

John Cue-sack looked in that film like he had a hangover. And malaria.

the tank also fires plastic bb's, 146.

I make Australia look normal? You are saying I am so ABNORMAL I make even these fly-bitten, red-neck, how-ya-goin, roo-shootin' mad men look normal? Ok, thanks for that.

citizen***146 said...

maybe Australia is the world`s very own "alternative world", where everything appears normal, but if you just just look again , and squint slightly, Stepford.

SkookumJoe said...

yes exactly 146. It's the subtle differences eg: in Australia light switches go up for off and plants of the bromeliad family may run for public office.