Wednesday, December 20, 2006

They're all the same

A friend of mine was telling me about a fella his ex-wife had been seeing briefly a couple of years ago. The reason my friend met him is because he and his ex-wife remain close and live near enough each other the kids move back and forth freely. He did not like this man his ex-wife was involved with, considered him shiftless and shifty at the same time. “I’m pretty sure he was a pot head” he told me.

“How do you tell?” I asked

“Because he lies a lot. Pot heads are all habitual liars.”

I was quite surprised to hear this for several reasons. My friend is not much older than me (and therefore should have been exposed to plenty of pot in his life), he himself drinks at least a bottle of wine a day and more if they have a party, which is often. They? My friend is gay. I mention this because I find it ironic that someone who was once married, presumably from purely societal pressures, who then plucked up the courage to come out, and was blessed with a family and even a wife who supported him and continue to do so…I find it ironic someone like that would be so quick to label people.

Back in logic school they talked about cause and correlation. Let’s assume it’s true most paedophiles like pizza occasionally. Should we then assume Italians are paedophiles since they invented pizza? And since most Italians are Catholic would it be right to say most Catholic Priests are…ok bad example, but you get the point.

You shouldn’t judge people based on their socio-economic-gayness. Yeah yeah, it’s rude and mean and not politically correct and who fucking cares. The reason you don’t do it is because you are very likely to be at least partially wrong and so will any decisions you made based on those views. Who loses in that situation? You, stupid.

My friend was wrong to make the assumption and I was wrong to assume he wouldn’t.

Then again, I smoke pot so I could be making the whole thing up. You just can’t tell with some people.

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