Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Vivalacrap said...

so is there a human bomb or something we could get for this?

SkookumJoe said...

I called the company in the ad.

The meteor should be here next thursday or friday, which is pretty good considering it's the holidays.

Anonymous said...

why is greenland so happy?
what do they know that the rest of the world doesn't know?

SkookumJoe said...

Greenland is not actually green. They've been chuckling about that up there for years.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Africa looks lonely. Everyone in Los Angeles should move there.

It would certainly help our traffic issues.

Sandra said...

Is it my imagination, or has there been some fiddling with the Oztralian lights?

SkookumJoe said...

Oh Exxy, the poor Africans have been through enough.

Sandra I'm quite sure that is a natural phenomenon...the uh...Southern Dirt Lights.