Saturday, December 23, 2006

Flaming Inuit Zombies - Day 1 of SJ's Three Days Of Christmas Spectacular Extravaganza and Bare Knuckle Boxing Match

Moving along it was stinking hot today, humid as a sumo’s loincloth although not as baby smooth. Don’t question it.

P4 and I spent the afternoon at Castle Wolfenstien killing Nazis and zombies. She especially likes me to use the flamethrower, makes a disturbing guttural laugh to see S.S. soldiers rolling around on fire going “AAAAHHHHH!” (funny, it sounds the same in German). I might get her one for Christmas (a flamethrower, not a flaming nazi) and don’t worry, I wouldn’t let her use it in the house. Not after the grenade incident.

And spending a summer afternoon incinerating nazis with your daughter really makes you appreciate what you’ve got. Really makes you glad you’re not an Inuit seal hunter stalking your prey across the frozen arctic wastes. That would suck. I don’t know anything about seal hunting or arctic survival beyond aim for the head and wear a scarf, and there's probably more to it than that.


Ghetto Photo Girl said...

I thought Friday was Day 1 of your 4 Day Extravaganza, no? Did you lose your brains?

Vivalacrap said...

hold up are you talking about xbox or something like that?

SkookumJoe said...

well it was a toss up between an x-box, a flame thrower or a 4" mortar. But i think video games are too violent.

Exxy its the overlapping staggered days of christmas model based on an old Latvian custom, in other words Yes.