Monday, December 11, 2006

Hippy Beer

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Well well, look what the Missus found in town the other day. Does it not seem ironic to be promoting a "hemp" based product as an energy drink? Of course the brown-shirted neo-zipheads who run this joint wouldn't stand for anything actually made with marijuana. No, on closer inspection this concoction has slightly less THC than whole milk, but it has buckets of this stuff…

Pantothenic Acid? Guarana Extract? Glucuronolactone!? 108mg of caffeine – whoa baby but don’t let that fret you. What about the one-thousand-three-hundred-sixty milligrams of Taurine. What medieval sorcerer’s herb is this? Does it make one see devils and winged horned beasties? Sounds like a fucking wood preservative to me.

Should I drink it?


Wisdom Weasel said...

Drink it? I'd bloody mainline it, then vigorously rub any sediment along your gums.

Tweaked out rednecks blow up their neighborhoods all the time over here trying to make something this pure.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Did you drink it? Did you hallucinate? What did you see? Was it winged beasts, or naked sirens?

Amanda said...

hell no, don't drink it.
As one of your staff scientists, I think you should send it to me, for testing, yes that's it, testing.

SkookumJoe said...

I'm not drinking it until someone tells me what Taurine is.

Anonymous said...

Taurine forms part of your daily diet, and plays a certain role in maintaining your health, vitality and wellbeing
now will you drink it?

SkookumJoe said...

Illidge you never said "vitallity and wellbeing" in your life.

I also looked it up: May or may not be an amino acid depending how picky you want to be, is a major constituent of stomach bile which is required to metabolize fats, comes mainly from fish, dairy and red meats but the body can produce its own in company of vitamin B12.

Claims of other benefits include: Weight loss, improved brain function (whatever that means),and improved mood. Cats, by the way, go irreversably blind without it.