Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Child wriggles out of situation, technology blamed.

P4 asks why the letter “a” looks ‘all weird’. I suspect she has managed to change the language setting to Cherokee or something but no, she is in trusty old Ariel 12 point English and looking at a perfectly reasonable lower case “a”.

I ask her what makes this letter “a” weird, exactly. She is puzzled by the question. I re-phrase “By weird I assume you mean different, what is different about it?". The answer is squeezed out after a mighty screwing up of the face “it’s not how I make them.” There was a small hrumph for emphasis.

“This is what we mean when we say you have bad handwriting.”

“I don’t.”

“Sorry, you do. You saw a pathologist about it. She told you to practice drawing circles and things. But you did not do that, hence your handwriting, although improved, is still pretty bad.”

Dejected “Oh.” Then, brightening, “When I do it on the computer it’s neat. And I don’t need to spell, it fixes it for you.”


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