Lets have a look at intelligent design. The theory that life is far too complex to have happened by chance; that there must be a "designer" (they used to call it god) responsible for the whole thing.
As you all know I'm a pretty big deal down at the factory. Well, we're thinking of putting in a new roller door on warehouse number two and of course they sent their top man to the big Roller Door and Pressed Metal Products Show down in Sydney.
Anyway I just got back in time for Friday's shift and when I took over, the first thing I notice is this god-awful stench coming from the big collection bin. Now, that bin was empty when I left, and by Friday it was near full...with this reek coming from it. Everybody's been playing dumb about it, and this Monday morning I found out why.
The truck came to empty the bin at about 9am (they always show up at tea time) and after he left, I went out to roll it back in. Well sir, that smell was worse than before. The cause, it turns out, was the decomposing corpses of 17 tiny mice and one big one - presumably the mother.
I'll just mention that being summer down under, we are averaging 40C (really hot, in American degrees ) with stinkin' humidity.
The short of it is that the knucklehead who filled in for me while I was down at the Pressed Metal Show (those guys from Allied Galvanizing are nuts!)... that knucklehead came in one morning and found all these baby mice in the freshly emptied bin. And there was the mother mouse trying to get them out. But the bin's deep with steep metal sides and she wasn't having much luck.
Does our hero maybe try to evacuate the rodents to safety? No, this throw-back sat on the edge of the bin tossing chunks of wood at the mice until he had killed them all. I guess once they stopped moving, they lost his attention, because even then he did not remove them. He just went about his work...which consits of filling the bin with scrap wood.
And this is where we came in... I had to get the forklift and litterally tip the bin over, hose it out, scrape it out, bleach it, hose it again and let it sit in the sun for the rest of the day.
Evolution has mechanisms to explain odd creatures like our hero, and Americans; animals that defy logic, yet continue to flourish. But that intelligent design guff says someone actually sat down and had a good think..."hmmm, what about a big lunky red-headed guy who likes to throw wood at baby mamals? Yeah! Lets make one of those."
I'd want my money back.
1 comment:
sure kid, usual way?
this week's codeword is pudding
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