Tuesday, February 20, 2007


You know on TV when there’s an explosion or earthquake or something, they shake the camera around so you, the home viewer, can experience it too. I tell ya when that picture starts shaking it’s like I’m right there with them. It’s sort of a fast jitter, if it was a wave it would be high frequency and low amplitude. But I notice today as I’m watching Hogan’s Heroes after work, as you do, that the camera shake in the 60’s was different.

Hogan and Carter were rescuing Newkirk while leBeau and Kinch were blowing up the ammo dump and they all met up just as the explosions started. The camera shake was not the jittery side-to-side or round and round action we are used to, it was a slower up and down motion like the rocking of a small boat. And I must say I was not at all convinced. I did not for a moment feel I was part of a cheeky, international rag-tag group of smart-ass prisoners who had just captured a beautiful Gestapo spy, rescued an annoying Cockney and blown up an ammo dump with road flares taped to an alarm clock.

You can put away the strudel, Sgt. Shultz won’t be stopping in. Because if you can’t trust the camera shake then maybe, just maybe, none of it is real.

Hey! I Dream of Jeannie is on next!


Anonymous said...

I'm pretty much speechless right now since I never knew I was the only one who paid attention to camera shakes.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

I love I Dream of Jeannie!!

SkookumJoe said...

you mean "wasn't" Starlet. Actually this is the little known origin of the religious sect the Shakers. Not to be confused with the Seekers who were a lame Aussie folk group in the 60's.

Exxy It was the one where Jeannie and Major Healy got married and told Dr. Bellows everything...except it was all a dream PHEW!

Actually it was a cheap flashback episode where they only had to shoot the filler scenes.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

I had a gianormous crush on the Major Nelson when I was a little girl. In fact, whenever I catch the reruns, I fall in love with him all over again.

I admit it, I'm totally lame.

SkookumJoe said...

Sorry, Major Nelson. You like Larry Hagman? You freak! Bill Daily (Healey)was nicer and later on lived next door to Bob Newhart and what's-her-face Susanne Plachette