Sunday, February 11, 2007

Waxing my lyrical

*** Since I made changes to the format after posting, I think we'll call this one a practice. Exxy wins with 7 correct and an extra point for the Johnny Depp connection.

Name the Author, Artist or Song...

1) When their eloquence escapes you/
Their logic ties you up and rapes you.
Artist/Author: The Police / Sting (Exxy got)
Song: De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da (Amanda got)

2) Billy Mac is a detective down in Texas/
You know he knows just exactly what the facts is.
Artist/Author: Steve Miller (Exxy got)
Song: Take The Money And Run (Illidge)

3) He moved to Hollywood, got a tattoo/
He met a girl out there with the tattoo too.
Artist/Author: Tom Petty and Jeff Lynne (Exxy)
Song: Into The Great Wide Open (Exxy)

4) They took all the trees, put ‘em in a tree museum/
And they charged the people a dollar and a half just to see ‘em.
Artist/Author: Joni Mitchell (Exxy)
Song: Big Yellow Taxi (Amanda)

5) The band is just fantastic/
that is really what I think./
Oh by the way, which one's Pink?
Artist/Author: Pink Floyd / Waters (Exxy)
Song: Have A Cigar (Exxy)


6) Growing up in a biosphere, no respect for bad weather/
There’s still roaches and ants in here, so resourceful and clever.
Artist/Author: The Tragically Hip / Downey
Titanic Terrarium

7) I’m going home, I’m tired as hell/
I’m not the cat I used to be/
I got a kid, I’m thirty-three.
Artist/Author: The Pretenders / Hinde
Middle of the Road

8) I'm interesting, the best thing since wrestling/
Infesting in your kids ears and nesting.
Artist/Author: Eminem / Mathers (Amanda)
Song: Without Me

9) The searchers all say they’d have made Whitefish bay
If they’d fifteen more miles behind her.
Artist/Author: Gordon Lightfoot
Song: The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald

10) You can choose a ready guide in some celestial voice/
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.
Artist/Author: RUSH / Peart (Illidge)
Song: Freewill


SkookumJoe said...

these may be easy or hard depending on your age I guess. I'd be happy to specialize by decade, genre, artist or whatever if anybody wants.


Ghetto Photo Girl said...

1. The Police.

2. Steve Miller Band

3. Tom Petty

4. Joni Mitchell

5. Pink Floyd

I got half of them. Do I win anything? Did I win the kangaroo for the last contest?

SkookumJoe said...

Can you name the song titles?

The other contest (guess my raise)is still open as results aren't in yet

Amanda said...

#8 is Eminem, Lose Yourself.
and is the Police song De Do Do Do De Da etc?
Big Yellow Taxi from Joni Mitchell is the song that a friend of mine heard gay paradise instead of paved paradise and I wasn't sure if I should correct him.

Anonymous said...

#2 take the money and run
#8...john cena?
#10 RUSH!

SkookumJoe said...

I expected Illidge would get number 10 but also number 6, which he missed.

When I was double checking that Joni Mitchell actually wrote Big Yellow Taxi (Dillan also recorded it) I came across a comment about how it was so sad her father left her...took me a second to figure it out. "...big yellow taxi took away my old man" I'm pretty sure by "old man" she meant husband or partner (possibly James Taylor).

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Since the answers were given for the rest, #3 is "Into the Great Wide Open." The video for which featured everyone's favorite pirate and fuck-fantasy, Johnny Depp.

#5 is "Have a Cigar," for which I have no commentary because I hate Pink Floyd.

SkookumJoe said...

I probably should have thought it out a bit better. I added the blue headings for "Song:" after Exxy's first answers when I realized I had been vague, otherwise I'm sure she would have got them all.

But it's still only 5/10 so only half a kangaroo will be awarded.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Woo hoo, I wins!!!!

Is the half-kangaroo going to look like your bunny, Lenny?