Thursday, March 22, 2007

Baboon Conflict Looms:

Acid and base, matter and anti-matter, beer and ice-cream. Some things have natural opposites and I have discovered my anti-blog, my arch-blog, dwelling in that suburban cyber-mall that is MySpace. White background, spiritual world music, inspirational poems and cute cartoons…and something called The Baboon Liberation Army . It’s not even mutant! As a matter of fact this site is against mutating all together. I mean really, what’s the point if you can’t mutate them?

I must step up my work. Build numbers, implant GPS units, teach them weapons, tactics and how to ‘blend in’. Then send them to infiltrate this den of do-gooders, this pit of empathy, this freaking beacon of hope in a hopelessly ironic and farcical universe. They must not be allowed to spread their filthy cheer and goodwill any further.

Wait! What if they are already here? That would explain that lurker from Wisconsin. Holy crapola, what if they’ve got the Doctor? She hasn’t checked in and her blog is unattended. Those scoundrels! They could be filling her head with deadly optimism right now!

Ahhh! But the Doc was crafty. She’s probably double-agenting their pastel-hued asses. That’s it Dr, lure them ever closer with your deadly medicine and amusing anecdotes…

I expect any comunication from her will be in some sort of Dr code, so we'll probably never know, but if I do hear anything I'll let you know.


Ghetto Photo Girl said...

I have been in contact with the Dr. and she claims all is well. Though this might be a coded message, especially if these strange baboons are holding her hostage.

SkookumJoe said...

I think "all is well" is Dr code for "I left my knitting in Canada".

What could she be trying to tell us??