Thursday, February 08, 2007


I been thinking ‘what if I was an Alaskan crab fisherman?’ It occupies a lot of my time, I don’t get my real work done. What if I was on the roiling deck of an ice-encrusted crab boat named Lucy II or Intrepid or Dawn Treader, freezing rain slashing my face as we labour through the black waters of the Bering Straight. Dragging the mighty steel pots up from the deep, laden with six legged sea bugs, the gates slam open and they skitter down the hold where they single-mindedly continue their programmed routines of fucking and eating each other, oblivious to their fate, trading dark water for dark water.

What if I was an Alaskan crab fisherman? I’d probably need a hat.


Anonymous said...

you might want a warm coat and some boots too. maybe even a nice set of waterwings

SkookumJoe said...

I don't think I'm allowed in the US or even Alaska anymore.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

You also need to be able to curse like a sailor. It's priority #1.