Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Just a short one tonight. I've been working from home today (thus the speedy replies to today’s comments) and it's 8pm and I've had enough. If people (that’s YOU, both my bosses) would have the curtesy to return phone calls when they say they will, I’d be finished this job by now. As it is I have a 729mm high oven going into a 688mm high cabinet (for our US viewers that’s a difference of about an inch and a half)…I’m pretty sure that’s not going to work. Tomorrow is shot because of meetings, so it won’t be finished probably until Friday now. What do I care? Well soon they are going to start paying me by the job, and then time is going to be a big deal.

Check out the comments on Keep Smiling (2-3 posts ago) we have a man who says schizophrenia is caused by circumcision among other things. Is it pot? Circumcision? Mary Hart's voice? Where oh where is Dr. Sandra to give us the straight poop? Yes I know, she’s on her way back to her beloved Norm Iron…but sheesh, this is important!

And finally I want to ask the above mentioned US viewers their opinions on this Obama fella. I only just heard of him, as the supply ship was late due to storms off the cape, but I hear Australian Prime Minister John Howard doesn’t like him, so maybe he’s a good guy. But it’s always best to ask the people involved so….tell me your opinions, is he circumcised? Is Hillary for that matter?


Wisdom Weasel said...

Barak Hussein Obama; an eternal optimist, running for prez in a country full of idiots obsessed with terrorists, with a name like that (Fox or CNN splashed "Osama bin Laden" under his picture 'by accident' a couple of months ago).

Gives a good speech, big on hope and pointing to future, black but not Black (some African American leaders won't call him black as his dad was a Kenyan, not decended from slaves), no real voting record or enemies list to bring him down, and has preemptively admitted doing various drugs as a young hoodlum to show how America made him good.

Has Hillary nervous- scuttlebutt is that her camp leaked a story that Obama attended a madrassa while he lived in Indonesia. Oh, and he was 5 years old at the time.

He hasn't said any thing of substance yet, and is being forced to give up the smokes by campaign health nazis, and Hillary hasn't even begun punching yet, so its going to be an interesting contest.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Between the two of them, they're going to split the vote and neither one is going to win the nomination.

I love strawberry kisses. And Major Nelson because he wasn't as big a doofus and Major Healy.

Sandra said...

I'm here but have been crippled by my stupid internet providers.

SkookumJoe said...

If Hillary and Barak were pitted together in some thunderdome-like death match, perhaps in a mall somewhere or Vegas (same thing)and Hillary threw sand in Barak's face but then Barak whipped out his throwing stars and stuck one in Hillary's arm then Hillary did some cool back flips and then there was a matrix-style multi angle revolving shot while they both fired multiple shots from high-voltage taser guns....well that would be going a bit far.