Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I ain't axing youz

A couple of posts ago we were talking about axe battles. Here is a medieval weapons expert demonstrating the axe....

Ok, now imagine there's a civil war, you don't have a shield, and Crazy Larry from down the street is coming at you with old Betsy while his wife screams "Git em Larry! Chop his (or her) ass! Then come back here, and git some lovin'."

That would scare the shit out of most people, not to mention the axe. No, only one thing for an axe weilding chartered accountant on stress-leave or his diabolical fucking away.


citizen***146 said...

Nice video, I love these experts in things nobody thought they needed to know. now we know!

SkookumJoe said...

actually the sword guy was a bit of a pussy. I mean he's got the reach, should have stabbed that smart ass in the guts.

now that's good tv

Anonymous said...

The sword guy would have got more hits if he swung his sword.

SkookumJoe said...

I suppose the point was supposed to be that it's an un-nerving weapon. Only crazy people use axes and crazy people are hard to predict

Wisdom Weasel said...

But perhaps to wield an axe is to self-declare as crazy, much like those arses who insist that they are "whacky" or "zany". Maybe the way to disarm or defeat a zany axeman is to deploy withering sarcasm before a large group of said axeman's colleagues?

SkookumJoe said...

Good point weasle

"is that an axe or a form of phalic compensation?" - that sort of thing? A berserker berating?