Wednesday, November 01, 2006

What would you save it in?

Please note, Australia has switched to daylight savings time in some places including here. The clock in the sidebar cannot be re-set without downloading a new one and sticking it in the template which is something I’m really not prepared to do for the sake of an hour. That being said, the clock is now set to Queensland time as Queenslanders believe daylight savings is evil and will confuse the cows and make the drapes fade faster (extra sunlight) and so do not switch over. For New South Wales, where this drivel is distilled and bottled, please add one hour.

Those Queenslanders will be sorry at the end of the world and not just for naming their state after a 70’s British supergroup. When the end comes and the world is plunged into darkness those places that thought ahead will have all that saved daylight to tide them over until something can be done about getting the lights on in limbo. Those with extra light and nothing to read could end up selling it. Soon there’d be an illegal trade in photons, a black light market, and those who can’t pay the ever increasing price of light will be left to scrabble for candle stubs in the gutter. After that they’ll be plunged into blackness and the Blind will rise up and rule them in underground labyrinths – much as ants herd aphids within the colony. Those white canes leave a nasty welt.

And those of us who saved our daylight will trade it to the Blind in return for goods produced in the human-aphid colonies. The Blind will use the light to shine on the humphids when they are good and to burn them when they are not, as they slave for eternity.

Of course, if the world ever stops ending and the lights come back on, those Blind dudes are in a lot of trouble.


Anonymous said...

Shall I get working on night vision genes for the baboons?

citizen***146 said...

I find it fascinating that in these very big countries with very few people( to include Canada) an individual state can just wade in and declare " not for us ,thank you very much". It gives a lot of power to the saddo whom came out on top with a voter turn out of 20%.

Unknown said...

I rolled my clock back Saturday, but I still refuse the metric system.

word verification: slag(yq)

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

I forgot to roll my clock back and woke up too early for my breakfast date. Hence the accident.

Fucking time change.

Anonymous said...

I've been saving daylight all my life, it's a very big bow by now. can I send it to the compound for safe-keeping?

SkookumJoe said...

Sandra - yes please

Amanda: Yes. Store it away from Sandra.

Exo: How do get in a crash by being early?

Wood: ok then.

146: I think that's the point in a democracy as opposed to monarchies and marriages.