Saturday, April 29, 2006

Hell As A Gated Community

Ok so lets get this straight. If you do not fulfill certain criteria by the time you die, or the End Of The World, whichever comes first, you will spend eternity in hell.

Fine. But what’s the point? Forever being told “I told you so, look at you now.” by smug heaven-dwellers? I mean is that what the devil does…just torments souls forever and ever? I’m not being facetious when I ask this. Why would satan go to the trouble…what’s his motive? Seems to play right into god’s hands…punish the sinners. What if satan pulled a fast one…made hell a Club-Med franchise? - you know, tacky but comfortable, with free booze and a nightly buffet. Wouldn’t the heaven-lurkers, who had toiled and slaved and knelt and prayed and didn’t approve of girls dancing in short skirts (which can truly be a mystical experience), be a little pissed off? Where is that sweet feeling of smugness and superiority they were so looking forward to? Heaven is about revenge and self justification.

Religion needs a hell, needs bad people, to justify its own existence. The worse you are, the better I must be. Its like eliminating poverty by lowering the poverty line. You can make a university elite simply by declaring most applicants unworthy…doesn’t make the education any better though.


SkookumJoe said...

funny that, purgatory looks exactly like the waiting area in a muffler shop. Old Coke machine, old Fishing magazines, old receptionist, the smell of WD-40.

And a cartoon depicting guys holding thier sides in laughter and the caption "You want it when?"

exile said...

and acctually, if you think about the satan thing, he's not evil.

he spenda all his time torturing the damned, but not the innocent... so doesn't that just make him a warden?