Thursday, April 06, 2006

Vote Now!

I’m not really happy with the sub-heading at the moment (the line under SkookumJoe at the top of the page). I quite liked “gritty, nothing like chicken” but its time was passed and I haven’t really thought of a suitable replacement. I was thinking I need something bold, yet not too controversial. Strong statements are hard to make without alienating some group or other. You can’t say things like “Women: Can’t live with ‘em, pass the gravy.” unless you want a fight from angry lesbians. Of course there’s a time and place for fighting angry lesbians, but its not now. You can’t say things like “Smack Your Kids, God Says Its OK!”. In that case you piss off lefty-hippy-pinko-commie beatnik parents, and God (copyright infringement). So I was thinking of this:

“Satan is a Cunt”

Can’t really argue that one can you? I mean even the satanists have to agree, that’s sort of why they’re satanists isn’t it?
What do you think?

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