Thursday, July 13, 2006

Special Guest Appearance By Exile

Exile, who has some sort of industry (which may be pornography, or not) has alerted us via his fine blog about a growing movement on his part of the planet where women are refusing to shave until men do. (He claims the photo on left is him, though I think it looks like an unscrupulous Harry Potter impersonator)

Good for them. Fight the oppression sisters! Teach us all a lesson and let the shrubbery run wild. But you’ll have to talk that race of super-models all the magazines (not me) say you aspire to emulate in appearance, into going along with it. Models are famous for shouting out pre-written sentences like “fur is murder” (unless they model furs, then it’s “cotton is suicide”) so it may be hard to get them to cooperate.

But lesbians are rather popular these days and I imagine (through stereotyping) that some of the more butchy ones already don’t shave. And some lesbians are a little scary, at least the ones on Jerry Springer – although I’ve heard tales they were baited beforehand – so if you got them on board as muscle, you could intimidate the super-models into seeing things through fur-lined glasses.

But I don’t really care either way. I’m married and no longer have opinions about anything. It’s easier.


exile said...

i can't if these are tears of laughter or rage.

i guess being Harry Potter is better than being Frodo.

if you wanna know another sad fact, those little patches aren't a design gone wrong, it just grows that way.

i got carded going to a movie once...

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

I got carded buying batteries once because I was wearing a t-shirt with a Rolling Rock parody on it.

I did NOT get carded at the bar the other night, but the girl ordering water did. Fucking asshole bartender.

SkookumJoe said...

that grizzled wreck you see on right got carded until it was 30 yrs old, then one day it looked like that and stayed that way.

Sandra said...

I got carded in the Fallsview Casino about six weeks ago. Even though I don't have much stubble, I am clearly old enough to gamble. Maybe it was some unusual form of chat-up line.