Monday, July 17, 2006

Still Cheaper Than Bottled Water

Somebody's going around Sydney with a tanker truck stealing fuel, 25,000 litres in one job. At about $1.40 / litre that's....that's...too bloody tempting, I'd say. Now a proper Aussie would park that truck out behind a pub and sell the lot in one night. He'd have his mate Davo at the pump while the missus took the cash and he wouldn't get caught because Aussies seem to get away with stuff like that. But surely the bikers, or the mob or the Mongolian quadrads will soon move in to take over the huge potential black-market in fuel. We don't really want a turf war where the 'product' is, um, explosive and shit. It occurred to me this must go on in other places too and a quick search brought up...
...nothing but stories from Australia. Sure there were others involving some drunk redneck driving off without paying, or women passing bad cheques to steal $30 worth of gasoline and a pack of smokes, but no real reports of large scale theft specifically aimed at stealing fuel to re-sell. So then I'm wondering is fuel just that much more expensive here (aprox $US3.97/ gallon), or is this nation decended from convicts just quicker to spot the opening? Or should we start storing fuel in tanks instead of the big petrol-trough down in the village square?
*Aussie unleaded is $1.40/litre
$AU1.40 = $US1.05
1 US gallon=3.785 litres
1.05x3.785= 3.974


Unknown said...

Black market petrol, eh? That reminds me of a flick I saw on the History Channel the other night – you know the channel dedicated to non-fictional, historical tales of Henry VIII, George Washington, Henry Ford, Julius Caesar and Clay Aiken. Anyway, Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior was on The History Channel. Isn’t that a futuristic, post-apocalyptic flick?

Anonymous said...

it's a buck 18 a litre here
they say it will be a buck and a 1/2 by the end of summer

SkookumJoe said...

funny HW, I was thinking of Mad Max too, but couldn't find a (easy)way to work it in. Who's Clay Aiken?

Hi Illidge, where the fuck have you been? My tracker say you not in Lil anymore.

exile said...


Austrailans would not try and share or sell their ill-gotten gas with their friends they would horde it.

how do i know this? well, how much of that sweet, delicious, kowala meat ever makes it to the US?


oh sure, laugh hearty with your kowala burgers while i sit here and eat cow.