Monday, July 30, 2007

Fuck I'm Funny

Work Colleague: Hey SJ, you got a hair cut!
SJ: Most of them, actually.
WC: What?
SJ: Most of …all the ones on my head, yes.
WC: What?
SJ: Never mind.
WC: No, no…what did you mean? Most of what?
SJ: You said I got a hair cut and I said I got most of them cut. Not just the one.
WC: (stares) Oh. Very funny.
SJ: Not now.
WC: What?
SJ: (sigh) It’s not funny now I had to explain it to you.
WC: What are you saying?
SJ: I’m saying you are too stupid to follow a conversation you yourself initiated.
WC: (stares)
SJ: I’m kidding.
WC: Ahh-ha-ha, good one! Fuck you’re funny.


Ghetto Photo Girl said...

I think the retarded kid is less infuriating than your coworkers.

SkookumJoe said...

god help you if you start throwing in literary references or even pop culture...they never got Taxi here or 3's Company, or Andy friggin Griffith. I didn't see a new Simpsons episode for the first 3 years I was here

SkookumJoe said...

Saturday Night Live, Hawaii 5-O, WKRP in Cincinatti, Greatest American Hero, A-Team (no 'pitty the fool' references), Rip Tide, Simon and Simon, Bob Newhart Show, Newhart (other brother Daryl - gone), Odd Couple, Hogan's Heros

They did get Green Acres though. I don't do a Zsa Zsa