Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Dragon Eats Moon: 'bound to happen' - Scientists

Total lunar eclipse tonight. Makes you feel small, humble. I told the people at work if they weren’t nice to me I‘d have a dragon come and eat the moon tonight.

I’m expecting to find a virgin sacrifice when I get there tomorrow. And I want a new yellow highlighter.


exile said...

we had it right over us @ 3am...

all i'm saying is, keep your dragon over your own damn yard.

did you forget that the moon belongs to america? (we already put our flag on it, that makes it ours!)

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

I was inside at 3 pm, damn. Then again, it was nice to see a huge full moon following me home tonight.

My baby werewolf nephew is probably pretty active tonight...

SkookumJoe said...

keep your damn moon on your side then.