Friday, August 04, 2006

Scowler Monkeys Attack!

Oh dear, more trouble in India. This time it's monkeys on the train, scowling at people. I suppose this is what my mother meant by "cheeky monkey" when I used to pull faces at her.

No fear though, they've put a "langur handler" on the job. Langurs are a different type of monkey that, apparently, hate scowling monkeys. Here is a photo I found.
This one appears pretty laid back, but maybe he's resting after already ripping the scowls off multiple monkeys. There is a saying in India for little kids "Don't make that face, or the Langur will come and rip it off and eat it." Well there could be a saying like that. There would be if I lived there. Damn straight.

Regarding the langur handler

"he will be called whenever there is a monkey problem", Anuj
Dayal, the spokesman for the Delhi Metro Rail Corp, was quoted as saying...."There are too many monkeys."

Too many monkeys indeed. Unfortunately most of the scowling monkeys on my train are paying passengers.


Unknown said...

In the states, monkeys run Amtrak.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

And the government.

Oh, did I say that out loud?!

exile said...

monkeys on a train

the only thing i can think of that could be worse would be...

Snakes On A Plane

Amanda said...

do they do anything other than scowling? and do the langur monkeys have any drawbacks?
seems to be a bit of a 'swallowed a fly' type thing going on.

SkookumJoe said...

yes, the langurs also eat children so they are bringing in starving enraged tigers to eat the langurs, and men on elephants to hunt the tigers.

exile said...

what's with all this anit-simian-tic propaganda?

what? once you go baboon you sing a different tune?

you've changed man, you've changed...

so... is this a bad time to ask for my own elephant?

SkookumJoe said...

it was the same in Canada - there were all these pouting beavers on the subway and they had to release packs of wolves.

(that's the trans-canada subway)

exile said...

i hate to see an unhappy beaver

it all boils down to neglect really. let's face it, all a beaver needs is to to be groomed, petted, and fed a consistant diet of weiners (they eat hotdogs, right?)

but no, no one in canada truely loves their beaver. they just let them run about, unkept and wild.

and don't even get me started on the smell of all those unkept beavers dwelling in those darkened subway tunnels...

SkookumJoe said...

I originally had moose instead of beaver, but I know how exile loves a good double entendre

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

That's not the only kind of double he likes...oh wait, what are we talking about?

Beaver is better eating than moose anyway.

So I've heard.

Sandra said...

Exile: I thought you were taking the piss, but I've just seen the trailer on TV. Holy shit.

exile said...

sandra- "we have snakes on the mutha' fuck'n airplane!"