Wednesday, September 06, 2006


I have no idea where this is, somewhere in the US I assume since they only sell Crown Victorias (or whatever that maroon pimpmobile is) in Canada and the US, and you can't buy "package liquor 24-7" in Canada.

What I found interesting was the author of the subtle roof-mounted billboard felt the need to underline the word not. Thou shall not kill. Surely things haven't degenerated so far that the local 24 hour grog merchant has to take it on himself to remind people of this basic civil nicety. Were some people confused? Not sure when to kill and when not to? "Jane sent me this lovely card, should I kill her or ask her to lunch?"

And it's a hell of a big sign. Check out the doorway, that overhang (technically a cantilever) is not liking the weight. Now I'm assuming the owner of the building rents his roof to the sign company who sold the space to a church group or some other stickler for biblical accuracy. I wonder if the people living in the neighborhood feel patronized, being (literally) talked down to or do they feel comforted by it's glaring presence..."Don't you do it! The sign will know"

Come to think of it I guess people who need to buy "package liquor" (what is that?) at 6am could probably use a little guidance. Soon other signs will appear - Socks before shoes. Don't drink bleach. Kittens do not take batteries. No need to teach your kids, no need to think at all. Just read the signs.


Sweary said...

You're right: it looks like a "Jesus, I didn't think I'd have to clarify this" message.

Even the building it's on is aghast.

exile said...

The sign is right, you shouldn't kill

You’d be amazed at what a person can live through

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

I'm guessing it's in the Bible belt, where people are constantly in need of Jesus reminders.

Unknown said...

Perhaps the sign is the result of an earlier misunderstanding of another sign that didn't underline NOT. Those Commandments are kinda worded funny sometimes...

SkookumJoe said...

"Even the building it's on is aghast." - I like that. I also like the "open" sign that was actually painted on.

But I ask again, what the hell is "package" liquor? - it says it on the sign on the left side of the building.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

It's how they sell liquor in the Bible Belt. It comes packaged with clarification of those pesky, vague commandments.

Dan said...

My guess is that across the street there is a somewhat smaller sign, put there first, that reads "Thou Shall Kill".

SkookumJoe said...

Yup, I think Dan's got it

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

I wonder if that's the store that does crazy stuff, like sell unpackaged liquor.

SkookumJoe said...

perfect. Across the road was a homicidal juice bar. Mystery solved.