Tuesday, September 05, 2006

This May Sting...

Well I may have written myself into a corner with this latest promotion. I am thinking most of my good stories involve me doing something stupid. I don't usually go around telling people all the stupid things I have done, I prefer to let them discover it for themselves.
Do you like cop stories? There are police in quite a few stories, drugs and alcohol too. Usually all three. And although I almost always come out of it ok, I wouldn't want the younger reader to think I was glorifying such obviously delinquent behavior. Personally I don't care what the kids get up to these days, but I don't want them going around saying SJ told us to stay up 40 hours doing cocaine and then drive 40 miles to climb a friggin mountain because somebody thought it would be a cool thing to do (turns out it sucked - for them, I stayed in the car and slept).
And we can't have them slapping a sheet of plywood on a 1969 Mazda, lowering the tires and letting it putter down the railroad tracks while sitting on lawn chairs up on the "deck".
But I suppose back then we didn't have the video games and the rap music. No we had to make our own fun, the old fashioned way, with booze and explosives.
So vote soon and vote often (that includes you lurkers) and witness one man's humiliation - a badly written, mediocre story about his own stupidity. And a car.


Anonymous said...

that hike up the mountian did suk
but atleast we can say we did it....or at least the guys thqt got out of the car did it

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

So there's no sexy harem story? I feel duped.

SkookumJoe said...

exo you will just have to pick a car and take your chances on the story. Then you can feel duped.

illidge has quite a few good stories of his own, especially the ones involving vodka.

exile said...

sure video games keep kids out of trouble, but they make for boring adults.

i think every teenager shoudl be given one car that they get to completely distroy. that way they can get it out of their system.

now to unpause my video game...

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Exile, that's why god created Grand Theft Auto. Man, I love that game.

SJ: I voted for the bike. Guess I'll just take my chances.