Friday, September 22, 2006

Training Video

Been a few years since I rode the Sydney metro. When I got into Central this morning from Cronulla I found I couldn't get out of the system without inserting my ticket into the turnstile. At first I thought this was stupid then I realized it's brilliant. Central Station is exactly that, all of Sydney's metro lines converge there as well as the State Rail and Intercity lines, you can go anywhere in the country from Central. No need to put ticket checkers on the trains when all you need is one guard at Central watching the exit lines for jumpers. Strangely, in such a busy cross-roads I couldn't find a newspaper.
Here's a little montage of the train ride back this morning.

Still looks like shit after Utube gets it. I have one other trick up my hard drive and I might replace it later, if it works. Until then, if you squint and sort of imagine you can get an idea of the countryside along the coast north of Sydney.


Anonymous said...

I like it! What manly fingers you have.

SkookumJoe said...

Sandra, being a doctor I thought you would have known man fingers are very like woman fingers as far as quantity and function. Except man fingers have hair on the knuckles which is a throw-back from when cavemen had to make a lot of snowballs for the Neanderthal Winter Carnival which was very popular in the the middle-BC era. It eventually fell out of favour with the advent of opium-based narcotics and the end of the ice age.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

I think you came back with more funny than you left with. Did you get injections?

SkookumJoe said...

not opium based ones