Thursday, September 14, 2006

Why does Blogger's spell checker still not recognize "blog"?

Over at Dan Tarrant's blog he's got some political punditry (this is why I don't do much on current affairs, Dan must read about 30 different columns and blogs a day to keep up). Anyway, one of the articles he mentions got me thinking about the sort of person who becomes a soldier. Let's work it out together...
I reckon there are four types. The poor or lower middle class who are in it for a decent wage or free college, loners and misfits looking for a home, highly patriotic types often from families with a military history, and those who just want to kill people.
Now come war time, of the four groups who's likely to sign up? Only the last two. And that's all you need...people who want to kill somebody and people to organize it. I never understood why there was a need for a draft during the Vietnam war. In the US something like 28,000 people get shot every year. There's 28,000 shooters for your army right there...maybe a few less if they shot more than one person, but you get the point. Surely you'd get a lot more if was legal...hell, you get a medal if you shoot enough.
So get your gun-toting crazies and bangers and psychopaths into some camouflage gear and your flag-waving, bring-back-lynching, god is on our side dickheads in gold braid to order them about and let them practice soldiering and buggery until you need them to do what armies do. They go and kill people when diplomacy just isn't cutting it or you just want to conquer the hell out of someone. And when you've made your point, you bring them home and give them medals and a job for their trouble. In the prison system perhaps, where they can keep up the buggery at least. Boo-rah.


Ghetto Photo Girl said...

It makes sense

Unknown said...

Unfortunately, many of those Americans who want to wear uniforms, act tough and talk about killing people join hate groups and/or "militias". There's less of a commitment and less discipline.

exile said...

i've always said that we should really set up a "prison or service" program.

certian grimes would result in either you making said choice or having the choice made for you.