Friday, September 01, 2006

You're All Invited

Did you know baboons and chimpanzees are the only other animals besides homo sapiens sapiens to wage war? That is attack others of the same species for advantage. They also counter-attack and understand the concept of revenge.
How's your Thursday then sunshines? Bloody Friday here and because Australia had a wicked-cool leftist government at one time there is a little thing here called the thirty-eight hour week.
That government is long gone. The Governor General fired them. You see most former British Colonies like Canada, Australia, India, New Zealand have, or have had at one time, a Governor General who is the Queen of England's representative in that country. So although the Prime Minister (same as president) is elected and runs the country there is an archaic law that says the Governor General can remove him or her (Canada had a female PM for about ten minutes in the early 90's) from office and appoint a Prime Minister until an election can be held. Its a bit like impeachment except it comes from outside. Some former colonies have removed this from their Constitutions, but some, like Australia still don't have a fucking Constitution or Bill of Rights. This is why the current government, a group of lads Mussolini would have got on with, can do damn near anything they want. But they've been so busy selling of bits of the country and playing guns with GWB and although they just threw out just about every other worker protection (you can now be fired for "complaining too much"), we still have the thirty-eight-hour week.
What all this means is that I get home by 2pm on Fridays now that I'm just a working stiff again. My first pay in 5 weeks went in today, it is a sunny spring afternoon KMFDM is supplying the background music. Person 4 has arrived home from school, I presume she still goes, she was wearing a uniform.
I am thinking of having a BBQ next Saturday. Should be good and you are all invited. Starts about 2pm till whenever, bring your own intoxicants, children welcome (good ones - not stupid, apathetic, insolent ones).
Anyway let me know if you are coming so I know how many steaks to get.


Ghetto Photo Girl said...

You'll cover the airfare, right? Having a job and all.

Amanda said...

yeah, i'll need 4 plane tickets too,(the brother and his girlfriend are visiting and it would be rude to leave them here ) but I'll bring my own veggie burgers if you like!
see you then...

SkookumJoe said...

Yes of course. You can pick up your tickets at the Security Kiosk under the name Hiram Jaxz. Just flag down a security officer and tell them you are there for Hi Jaxz.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

That's believable. I get mistaken for Persian all the time.

How long did it take you to come up with that joke?