Monday, January 08, 2007

Don't Be So Damn Frenchish

A lot of ancient civilizations have become bywords for Not Nice People. Goliath was a Philistine, a big mean one, and the term now refers to someone unrefined or boorish. Cretans are put in a bad light bible-wise too, I always wondered what the modern inhabitants of the island of Crete think of the bad rep they’ve had for thousands of years. And my anti-virus just told me I had a Trojan which it killed but advises I do a full scan (3 hours) just to make sure there aren’t any more of the sneaky bastards inside my walls looking to rescue Helen or wipe my hard drives or Bad Touch my dog.

So does this mean in the year 4007 the mutant-cyborgs that run this joint will refer to Not Nice Cyborgs as French or perhaps Frenchish. Does the fact I’m bagging the French again make me Frenchist? Maybe I’m Francophobic or Anti-Francophillic, although not quite Francocidal. A Mad Scientist once crossed a Philistine and a French person resulting in a monsterous Francostine which got into the good cheese had to be beaten to death with a hammer, twice. The Spanish dictator Franco was named after the French prostitute that fathered him (I don’t claim to know the mechanics of it) and a lot of people thought he was a right bastard, although they say he made a hell of a paella and was good at having people shot.

No need to wait 2000 years though is there? We could start now. Let’s all start describing Not Nice People as frenchish or stinky frenchish if you’re being emphatic, STKY FRG if you’re texting.

“I called the customer and he got all frenchish with me.”
“I know, he’s stinky too.”
“Stinky frenchish?”
“No just frenchish, and smelly.”

See? It’s easy. Now off you go…


Anonymous said...

are you actually brainstorming new ways to insult people?! ROCK.

Manuel Estimulo said...

Is a big lie about El Generalissimo Franco put about by atheist communists who try to imply that he was not proper Spanish.

The only people El Generalissimo ever shot were them who spread this rumour. Was totally justified in my opinion.

SkookumJoe said...

Sorry Manny, I didn't realize being called the bastard son of a whore was insulting to the Spanish. Funny the little differences huh?

Manuel Estimulo said...

Son of a FRENCH whore!

SkookumJoe said...

you see? Calling someone frenchish truly insults. This concludes the demonstration.