Thursday, January 18, 2007

What's Old SJ Worth?

Well sports fans, I’m going to risk boring you further by posting a second work-related post. Regular (that is, stupid stuff) programming will resume soon. But I do have a contest and a contest-within-a-contest to offer you in recompense, which we will get to shortly.

I was hired as a Production Planner, as you know, which involves creating detailed architectural drawings based on the initial design. That is to say the Designer and Customer have an idea and it falls to me to figure out how it will be made and then make drawings and instructions for the factory so they can actually produce it. I also make sure the correct materials are ordered etc and try where possible to save the company money. Finally I have to check the actual production cost against what the Designer budgeted and hopefully not have to tell him his commission got eaten up by extra labour he hadn’t counted on etc, although that can be fun too.

Now that’s not the only reason I was hired. Somehow they got the idea that I’m some sort of fix-it guy. And I suppose I am in a way. I seem to be able to get people to cooperate better than some managers can. This I do by using the radical technique of letting the people do their fucking jobs as much as possible and pitching in where I can. Being somewhat mentally unstable I am also good at recognizing patterns, which helps a lot in planning. If you know when the horse is going to buck, you’re more likely to stay on. Don’t worry, we’re getting there…

Because of Grimey’s immense paranoia outweighed only by the chip on his arm-hanger, and the fact we were too busy before xmas to think about anything but getting the shit out the door, so far I have stayed pretty quiet and just tried to get a feel for the place. Grimey announced he was leaving on Tuesday, this is Thursday and I have already had 4 meetings. Now they want me to start doing all the other shit they hired me for. It’s almost as if I’m only just now starting my work there. Ok here we go…

In one of the meetings an Owner threw out a number which would become my new salary, and there was some talk of a bonus scheme. The owner does not seem to be aware of my current rate, since the number he threw out was about the same as what I get now. And if I switch from hourly to salary I lose all sorts of benefits like overtime pay and I’ll be expected to put in as many hours as it takes. And of course now if I make a mistake it’s not $200 but more like $20,000.

Today I met with my immediate boss to discuss my new role and a few production related things and I told him that number just wasn’t going to work. The amount I suggested works out to exactly 9% more than what I get now. He said he would take it to the owners. He also said if it was up to him I could have it, but I don’t necessarily believe that. That’s just what I would have said.

1st Contest: Assuming I get a raise, how much will it be? Base your answer on the 9% I’m shooting for. (eg 3%) Closest to the actual figure wins.

2nd Contest: What the hell could I possibly offer as a prize? Nominate your ideas.
Please don’t rush to enter, as you may break the internet.


Anonymous said...

You should get Skookum + Grimy = Daggy (Daggy being the one-eyed knobby kneed chap who ran the buzz saw but made lots of money because he saved the owner's life from a sheep accident in the 50's.)

Sandra said...

You are going to be offered 4.2% and I think the prize should be a signed copy of one of the SJ cartoons.
Or send chocolate. But that won't work for Exxy and she might win.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

I want a kangaroo if I win! Sandra can have chocolate if she wins.

I guess 5%. Because that's what I just got.

SkookumJoe said...

Jutra has already recieved a lifetime of guidance and inspiration from me. And as you can see, it didn't do any good.

All fine prize ideas girls, at this point it is guarantted that one of you will win.

Anonymous said...

i say you deserve the 9% and if i win you got to come and get drunk with me....or you could send me the cash and i will come get drunk with you.i think thats a win win kind of prize

SkookumJoe said...

Sure Illidge but if I bring you over then everybody will want to come, and I'll have to move again.