Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Ritalin Not Included

P4 recieved this game for Christmas

Earlier at the product testing facility…

Supervisor: Did you test that new game yet, the rip-off of Trouble with the Pop-O-Matic Bubble™?

Tester: Uh yeah, we tested a dozen kids aged 2-5 yesterday afternoon. There were some, uh, problems.

Supervisor: Look, our game has only one dice in the bubble, the lawyers say we’ll get away with it.

Tester: It’s not that, Carl. On several occasions the children who lost felt so completely humiliated they flew into a rage and attacked the others. Good God man, three of them are dead!

Supervisor: That’s why they sign waivers. What are we calling it?

Tester: “Loser Is A Poopy Head”.

Supervisor: Right, change the name…something less aggressive, and ship it. I’ll call the authorities about those poor children and see if we can get some more sent over. Three was it?

Tester: Better make it six, we’re testing Ha Ha Nobody Loves You after lunch.


citizen***146 said...

I remember this when I was about ten, I also remember falling out with my grandparents, never knew whether they did not understand the rules or were being, shall we say, less than honest to finnish the game early?

SkookumJoe said...

Funny Woody, I actually had 'orpahanage' in there originally, but I changed it to 'authorities' later

146 did you actually play "Don't Be Angry" - because you still sound miffed about it.

Wisdom Weasel said...

No name could be more calculated to induce violent rage in children upon defeat than "Don't Be Angry". I smell the hand of Kim Jong Il in all of this.

exile said...

i miss playing "no body loves you after lunch"


SkookumJoe said...

Weasel that would explain the paragraph in the instructions about the Glorious Leader and the eventual downfall of the capitalist decadent imperialist dogs.

We at SJ love you exile. Hey they had a story about Temulca (or whatever) on TV last night...didn't see any wizards though.