Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Nap Time Is Over

That bastard Grimey has done it now. For months now I’ve put up with his unique mix of paranoia, bravado, arrogance and immaturity. I have heard from next door, in the space of ten minutes, singing, swearing, phone-slamming-downing, shouting, whistling and giggling. Every 48 minutes he utters his favourite movie line, exactly the same way each time, then laughs in delight at the sound of it.

He, who has used this software since its first version, who has worked for this company twice as long as the current owners, can manage to be condescending without actually imparting any information:

SJ: What size does X Brand laminate come in?

GR: Uh, I think you’ll find that in the 6th paragraph of the email I sent to X, Y and Z and CC’d to you and W so if you just look in your email files you should have it there.

Email files? Fuck that, I phone the laminate company and ask Nadine who I remember last time I called didn’t know because she just started there so I ask her how she’s liking it so far and she’s happy that I remember and I get my size as well as a code which will get me a 10% discount if I put it on the order and she’ll send me out a nice chart with all the product specs and a coffee mug and most importantly wishes me a nice day – common fucking courtesy - which is more than that bastard Grimey could do. And now he goes and pulls this!

He quit, the fucker.

Suddenly my responsibility level rises exponentially. My weekends have just disappeared. Sure there’s talk of more money, yet to be addressed, but really I was quite happy with the status quo. Suddenly I’m half a department, with goals and quotas and oh lordy save us, meetings. I’ll be expected to have ideas, opinions! Product development, database management, cost analysis, material schedules NOOOOOoooooo


Ghetto Photo Girl said...

When are you going to have time to seal innocent victims up in the things you build, though?!

Sandra said...

Grimey's an unlikeable wanker. I know that Exxy likes it when I say bold words.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

I so do!

SkookumJoe said...

Yes it is an ugly developement. I was content drawing my little pictures.

On the good side I may now be able to get my friend from my old work a job with us. I can begin rebuilding my empire.

Amanda said...

the git!
Meetings Bingo is now your only option to keep your sanity