Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Let's form a militant blog cell that goes around making other blogs cry. wanna?

…and the film should be out next year Chuck. Now, about the blog. Almost a year ago my brother emailed me to check out his new ‘blog’ and said I should do one too. And I have to admit I kind of like doing it and my friends were probably sick of getting occasional long ranting, or just plain weird, emails from me. It’s a bit like my first radio gig where I had complete control over three hours of programming.

Often, instead of switching back over to the network at 10pm, I’d go until 2am (un-paid) just because I could. It was just a dinky little AM station, the only one in town, and nobody listened to my Friday Night Rock show except pre-teen girls who weren’t allowed out. Now and then someone would say “heard’ya on the radio last night…when I was switching tapes.” One night I stayed there until 2am, drinking beer and playing whole sides of LP’s, when I got a phone call from some guy on the road who said never in his life did he expect to hear both sides of Dark Side Of The Moon on some scratchy AM station out in the sticks. This was before cell phones, he would have had to stop and find a pay-phone. To me, that was just so cool.

The blog’s a bit like that. Now and again someone will dig it which is great. I did expect more controversy but except for the Indian person who accused me of racism, there really hasn’t been much. And if she had read more carefully she would have realized I was actually defending India in a back-handed way. But because it was written in a rough style it was superficially labelled as negative and therefore racist. I wrote it that way on purpose and I still do, but nobody else has bothered to call me on it. Of course there was the Frodo caper, which was great fun, but it turned out he was just a kid and I wouldn’t have felt right ripping him down. I wonder where he is, the little dickens.

But I can’t do anything just for it’s own sake, there has to be a purpose. I don’t go for walks unless I need to go somewhere, I don’t go to the store just to look around. So I have kept an eye on the numbers to see what works and what doesn’t and I have noticed since I switched to Beta I get no more, zero, hits from random blog searches. All my hits are either from the fine people you see listed on the right, or from Google searches that listed the blog in the results. I used to get 10-15 hits/day from the Next Blog button and now I get none.

I’m thinking of taking my free business elsewhere. I’m also trying to devise a way to send 1500 comments to one of those “will exercise for comments” blogs. Maybe I can kill someone. Any ideas on either topic?


Sandra said...

Post a picture of Dr House and you'll get gazillions of clicks from Googly image.
Just sayin', like.

Wisdom Weasel said...

What? You aren't a famous blogger whose coattails I can ride to wealth and glory? Fuck this for a game of soldiers then.

Sandra said...

Don't be too hasty, weasel. Remember we're in this for a place in the Compound and protection by the Baboon Army.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...


In seriousness, since I switched to the new, shiny blogger, my commentors have completely disappeared. Now, it's only been a few days, so I might be overreacting, but when the fuck did my entire readership decide to take a comment-vacation all at the same time?

I blame the new, shiny blogger that isn't letting people comment. Fuckers.

SkookumJoe said...

this is why we form the militant blog cell that goes around making other blogs cry - notoriety.

if I do it on my own I'm just harrassing people, but if we're a militant cell - well then it's art!