Sunday, June 17, 2007


“…the feces that is produced when shame eats stupidity.”
-Dale from King of The Hill

That’s funny.

What’s not funny though is blood poisoning. You never hear knock-knock jokes or riddles where the answer is blood poisoning. You never see a Happy Meal puzzle where the goal is to follow the maze and save Ronald from septicaemia.

Which is why he’ll probably die from it.

Did you know in Australia Ronald's voice is over-dubbed by Heath Ledger? Russel Crowe is Mayor McCheese.

When Ronald does commercials in Germany does he speak German or does he speak English with a Col. Klink accent? I bet there’s no just-pull-over-and-I’ll-bring-it-right-out-to-you at the drive-thru’s in Germany. If you have to wait there because they were out of nuggets, the entire kitchen staff is shot. By that of course I mean they are given warnings. Warnings and a short video presentation on anticipating demand, then a tea break, then they are shot. Not like the old days, when the tea came last.

When he does commercials in Iceland does he make a screeching, mewling, sobbing sound like someone sawing a sack of kittens in half? I guess that’s some sort of poke at Björk, I can’t be bothered to link it all up. Björk sounds like someone being electrocuted with a slightly varying current while sucking a salted lemon.

Still, she’s pretty good at it. I doubt I could do that. I can never get the kittens to stay in the bag. The little scamps. Last time one of them scratched me, gave me blood poisoning.

You think maybe Dale was talking about me?


Anonymous said...

You speak a jive I can't quite recognize, Mister.

SkookumJoe said...

it is inconspicuous jive

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Is it because the tv people's lips are blue?