Thursday, June 14, 2007

America's Hardest Ponies

I was watching America’s Hardest Prisons (this week Oak Park Heights) and now I’m watching America’s Toughest Gangs which features such edgy young gangs as MS13 and GKB. But this week it’s the aryan nation, who are just dumb-fuck heroin dealers who use white supremacy as some sort of validation, and I’m wondering where it will all end?

When will America have enough gangs? When will America have enough prisons? When will America run out of things to put on TV? When will America buy me a pony?

Godammit, when will America buy us ALL ponies?

You know they’re just holding back “Battle of The Prison Gangs” until the time is right. Arnie’s in control of the Hollywood State and he was in Running Man, remember? That was a piece of shit. I felt sorry for Richard Dawson.

When will there be no difference between reality TV and surveillance?

When will there be a movie about vampires and South African joo-joo spirits set in a haunted voodoo mental hospital?

I’m telling you, you want to change America’s global image, give everybody a pony. Sure some people will simply eat the pony, Eskimos and mermaids for example, but they would still be grateful. All this time they should have been dropping ponies on Iraq. Imagine rising up from your sand hole to see 2500 white ponies parachuting down upon you, little red ribbons in their fluttering manes, love in their hearts. Why you’d just want to drop that rocket launcher and give them a big giant hug. That’s when they explode.

And they could put it on TV.


Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Probably more effective than the gay bomb they were trying to build.


SkookumJoe said...

Ohh! I know one...hey

Gay bomb? the who what huh?