Sunday, June 10, 2007

One Evening In Early Winter

I was out in the backyard just now, checking on a little fire I have going. It’s been a bit stormy and wet, good weather for a fire and I figured I better burn that acacia tree that blew over 2 years ago. It was re-growth from the tree that blew over two years before that and if the trend continues we’re due for it to blow over again this winter. When it does I think we’ll put a jacaranda there instead.

I looked up into the patchy night sky, rafts of white and black clouds racing each other around, voids dotted with brilliant stars being exposed and erased and re-drawn There was a light behind the clouds, fading bright and dim as thicker and thinner cloud cover passed by but never becoming fully exposed. It was bright, bright as a low-flying aircraft, half as bright as the moon, and stationary. The clouds formed a halo around it and it seemed to grow and shrink, pulsing there to the north-west, about 40 degrees from the horizon.

Eventually the clouds shredded themselves apart to reveal the source to be Venus, good old Venus shinning brilliantly and I sighed in small relief. I got no problem with Venus. They pre-heat the probes on Venus.


Anonymous said...

You know about the probes?

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

It's also where the women are from.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Did Woody just admit that he goes to SF for the probing?

SkookumJoe said...

remember the car chase in "Bullit" through the streets of SF? If you look closely they pass 4 or 5 different probatoriums.