Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Women packing their boxes

P4: The cat is in a box! That’s her box.
SJ: Uh, yes.
P4: It's a pussy box.
SJ: Let’s leave it at that.
Mrs. SJ: No, that’s my box. I'm going to use it later.
SJ: Don't you start.
P4: Aww, I want a box. A good one like Mum's.
SJ: (absent)


Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Pussy box. Really?

SkookumJoe said...

I think her exact words were " the pussy cat has a million boxes" which is long and doesn't actually make sense.

I admit part of the reason I shortened it was for effect, but in a post 8 lines long you have to get to the point.