Monday, July 31, 2006
Compound This
Friday, July 28, 2006
Sooky Joe

You see that? They spelled my name wrong. I've been out of work a week and it was looking grim so I signed up my non-existent baboons for a church picnic. I'd promised them "cuddly, playful baboons" and I didn't know what the hell I was going to do. Luckily I got a phone call tonight from this guy. He might have a job for me and I'm going to go see him next week. So fingers crossed I'll be able to cancel on the church gig.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
I Warned You

Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Skookum in the Talkies
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Monday, July 24, 2006
The Big Escape

...and off we went! Grampa was pulling on the steering sticks and I had my wool hat and we soon got up to speed. Grampa was so pleased to be out of the asylum and to see his old tricycle from the war that all he could do was call out "oooohh-eeee" as we whistled down the lanes and through the villages. All the shop-keeps came out to cheer us on and some of the school children threw clods of mud at us, all in good fun of course. "Ooooohh-eee", cried Grampa, "ooooohh-eee ooooohh-eee!"
On and on we went along the canals and through the vineyards until eventually the front wheel fell off the tricycle. "Ooohh-AHHH" cried Grampa but by then it was almost dark and I was sick of this shit. I got out my phone to call Judy. Crazy old bastard, I said, why couldn't he just pick me up in the Mazda?
Angle Parking
I used to think of myself as a liberal. I once had an opportunity to join the Canadian Legion where beer is about 40 cents per glass. Used to be you had to be ex military, the spouse of or guest of same, to enter. But they realized with this policy all the members were dying off, so they were offering 'fraternal' memberships in return for community work like coaching kids soccer, or tending bar down at the legion. Anyway I always liked the legion with it's cheap beer, crypt-like stillness. You could sit there all afternoon reading and drinking beer without anyone coming up saying "Reading huh?". So when I had the chance I thought I might join up until I read the application form in which I had to swear I'd never been a communist or anarchist, and that I wouldn't become one in future. At 24 I was pretty sure communism only worked on paper, but I wasn't at all sure about this anarchy stuff. I still wasn't sure if Kafka's anarchists were the same as The Sex Pistols anarchy. And neither of those married up with what they'd droned on about in 1st year political science. In short, I had no idea if I might become an anarchist since I wasn't sure what they were I didn't get my cheap beer.
Today I could have signed that form in good conscience as I think all forms of political ideology are full of shit. They all pre-suppose the notion there is a 'right' way and a 'wrong' way...and that this can be mapped out ahead of time. An amazing amount of human endevour is concerned with groups of people trying to make other groups of people agree with them. Wars have been fought for thousands of years over difference in belief, but even in this modern western society where we supposedly have all that sorted out, every letter to every newspaper is from someone disagreeing with someone else. We have hundreds of politicians who's only purpose, it seems, is to disagree with one another.
There are an extraordinary number of people talking and flapping and finger waggling. In the news, in the media and down the corner shop. And I'm sick of you all. Me, I'm an adapter just passing through. I'm not interested in your views and causes, not whether Israel should back off nor whether they should put in angle parking on Little Street. I don't care if they put in a crosswalk at the school, I taught my kid to cross without it. If the school closes I'll teach her myself. If the meteor wipes out society, I guess we'll move.
Because when you realize we've (humans) been around for near a million years, and a million years is fuck all, this little thing we've got going here is but a moment in time. In another hundred million years we'll all be gone and the bees or dolphins will be learning to smelt bronze and nobody will care if they had angle parking on Little Street.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Baboon Update
Back on the old machine tonight, upright and ready to fight.
I am preparing a Mandate, which will be released soon. It is loosely based on a speech by Che Guevara where I changed the words Batista and Castro to Dickheads and Back-Stabbing Assholes. Hooray para los babuinos!
The 1st Assignment:
T is for Toothbrush (that's good enough for me)

I'm going to market a range of hip retro greenie/organic toilet gear. For toothbrush a sprig of juniper branch, for paper a Sears catalogue nailed to the wall, and for women’s products…
Thursday, July 20, 2006
My Own Little X-File
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
30 Seconds

“This stunning three bedroom home is immmm-aculate inside and out. Features gallery kitchen with a cozy eating area, tiled foyer and wood heat in the living room. Downstairs features a large basement area eeeeasily converted into a play room or “hang-out space” for the teens.
Call Big Len TODAY!
’cause a Len-deal is a Good-deal…for you! "
How’s that?
17 seconds.
Shit. I can’t drag that out anymore, it’ll sound like Keifer Sutherland in Young Guns when they took peyote.
He talked reeeaaaallllll ssssslllllllloooooowwwww. Why is this a thirty second ad?
He paid to run a thirty but he hasn’t got much worth talking about, I guess.
Dickhead. I could say the catch-line twice, beginning and end - with a pause it would get me another 5-8 seconds but A: it’s not enough and B: that catch-line sucks and I feel like a whore saying it. What the fuck is a “Len-deal”? I mean, it’s just his name with the word deal attached, what’s that? And who made these notations – “emphasis” ?
Big Len. He said last time you didn’t emphasize “YOU” enough.
Well who else? Was he worried they’d think it meant a good deal for someone else but not necessarily them? Would people be at home wondering how to qualify for a Len-deal? Worried about getting the right sort of letter of introduction, perhaps calling in that favor from the mayor (“do we still have the negatives? In the 3rd drawer, dear”). How about I do it in 15, and you just run it twice in a row, tell him it’s a new marketing thing.
Can’t. Got me in shit last time, you ready? 30 seconds…
I know
and 3…2…1…
Monday, July 17, 2006
Size Matters
Still Cheaper Than Bottled Water
Sunday, July 16, 2006
The Brave New World Is Here, and there's bingo!

This is how cyborgs happen. Soon these damn scooters will have built in oxygen generators, and heart jolters, and internet access. There'll be a race of mobile invalids, cybernetically connected into a borg-like hive mentality so having a stroke won't matter...your thinking is just processed somewhere else in the net and instructions sent back to the scooter. Heart give out? No matter, the scooter is filtering and pumping your blood. Got trouble with teenagers, always hanging around, hooked on the mp3, looking far too casual for your liking? In seconds the alert is relayed accross the neural network and hundreds of pensioners are activated to swarm in and assimilate on those kids' asses.
Friday, July 14, 2006
Touch My 8 Inch...monitor.

Welcome to the new comand centre. This post is being written entirely by touch screen (as seen above) because the snazzy wireless KB with built in trackball still has not arrived. So I am forced to peck at the onscreen KB with my little telescopic stylus, which is already annoying. But the new computer is now online which just by virtue of its newness should improve the quality of this blog by alomost three million percent, which would place it on par with those blogs for online casinos, and 'happy good fortune investment newses'.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Special Guest Appearance By Exile

Exile, who has some sort of industry (which may be pornography, or not) has alerted us via his fine blog about a growing movement on his part of the planet where women are refusing to shave until men do. (He claims the photo on left is him, though I think it looks like an unscrupulous Harry Potter impersonator)
Good for them. Fight the oppression sisters! Teach us all a lesson and let the shrubbery run wild. But you’ll have to talk that race of super-models all the magazines (not me) say you aspire to emulate in appearance, into going along with it. Models are famous for shouting out pre-written sentences like “fur is murder” (unless they model furs, then it’s “cotton is suicide”) so it may be hard to get them to cooperate.
But lesbians are rather popular these days and I imagine (through stereotyping) that some of the more butchy ones already don’t shave. And some lesbians are a little scary, at least the ones on Jerry Springer – although I’ve heard tales they were baited beforehand – so if you got them on board as muscle, you could intimidate the super-models into seeing things through fur-lined glasses.
But I don’t really care either way. I’m married and no longer have opinions about anything. It’s easier.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Over 5 Billion Sold!

This here’s the new moggy, Polly. Polly comes fully functional – breathes, eats, shits, cleans itself and can be allowed outdoors without fear it will get into a car with a stranger. She is also quite good at chasing bits of string. As with all models in the Mammal range, Polly can learn behavior, but does not come with advanced features like planning/forethought, tool-making, or extrapolation and abstract thought. Unfortunately these upgrades are not yet available in the Feline brand of Mammal.

*caution there are several know bugs in some models of Human brand Primates. If your Human shows signs of stupidity, this is normal. If however your human refuses to watch reality TV, it is not stupid enough and must be returned to the place of purchase for a free stupificationing.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
He hangs back, looks for the opening...he scores!

Monday, July 10, 2006
What To Do When Shit Happens

Well the government got it now, yes sir, ‘Not Me’. People were needed to do the Shitee jobs and lawyers and engineers and marketing sluts called Drew or Shyann just couldn’t be paid enough to care. What was needed were tradesmen, to build shit-houses and lay pipes to take shit away. Install pumps to push shit uphill or far out to sea, install hand rails to avoid slipping in shit until it could be cleaned by the journeyman shit wiper. And basically trained, cheap ‘medical assistants’ to wash and clean the Shitters. No need to know too much silly medical stuff - can you rub on lotion? Make tea? Wipe up lots of shit? You’re in! Sure heart attacks and strokes occur now and then, but not near as often as shit.
The shit is constant and, short of feeding them straw and burning the result for energy to help recoup costs, the only answer was to ask…no beg… kids to drop out of the smart-track subjects, quit school in year 10 and become apprentices.
At the same time, the same government is bringing in sweeping labor reforms which will strip the average blue-collar/office worker of most of the entitlements won over a hundred years. Sick kid, can’t come in? Fired. Can’t work overtime on short notice? Fired. You can be pressured into giving up your holidays to win the job. Soon they’ll make overtime rates optional, as they already look the other way. There’s talk of a minimum wage and 17 year old apprentices having to negotiate contracts of employment.
Seems to clean shit, first you must eat it.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
What's This?
West Coast

Randomly loaded Suicidal into the mp3 just now and that’s what came to mind. Thanks
metal-funk-hiphop fusion bands.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
A Saturday of High Speed, Sprocket Holes and Descrimination In Fast Food

So we had no music and spent the time doing funny impersonations of other people at work. He said I should do stand-up because I “notice stuff, and stuff. You know, funny stuff”. I thought that was nice. He’s a smart, funny kid and I also found out today he was a talented amateur boxer, which you’d never guess. Just shows you should never assume you’ve got somebody all worked out.
On one of the three fuel stops we went into a McDonald’s and once again my accent let me down. How hard is it to understand “two cheeseburgers, large fries please”? ‘Cause I had to say it three times. My friend got the perky blonde ‘team leader’ - all teeth and sunshine, while I got the deaf-slackjaw trainee who fair threw my 50 cents change at me. Bloody anti-Canadianism, is what it is! Worse still, sometimes they call me American!
Friday, July 07, 2006
Many Faces of Joe

Been quite a week. I’ve been compared to a syndicated columnist, an edgy young comedian, a strange English comedian and, oh yes, one of the “educated' people from 'developed countries' [who] can belt out racist views based on random reports.”
I’d like to thank everyone for the nice words, high praise for an ignorant bastard like me.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Critical Analysis of the Fun’s Fun Syndrome

Fun’s fun ‘till someone loses an eye: TRUE. It seems reasonable fun would stop after sudden eye loss. Not to say happy times wouldn’t return, but fun would definitely stop in the period just after retinal impalement. At least for the victim, other people may or may not continue having fun, depending if they now have to drive him/her to hospital.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Jackals, Mortal Enemy of the Baboon
I say that with the utmost sarcasm, to highlight the fact this seemed reasonable to four people. What they have done is the most ugly, pathetic, ignorant, fucking selfish act I can ever recall. But of course you want to know what all the trouble was, right? You want to know why these people felt their situation was so grave that their only hope was to do this vile thing,,,what, exactly, was the fucking problem?
They wanted to be sure their five sons would marry. That’s it.
Fucking jackals. A fucking embarrassment to call human. They should be used for medical testing.
Monday, July 03, 2006
2600 Nautical Miles

Let’s say you’re in a lifeboat with someone. Twenty-six hundred nautical miles west of Chile, that’s a lonely sea. You’ve been tossed around for thirty-eight days, you’re sunburned and salt encrusted. You’ve gotten over the whole drinking-your-own-urine-is-yucky thing and now look forward to the next recycle, as you’ve come to call it. One time you traded, and now you are obsessed with speculating on the implications both medical and moral.
At first you joked around the other subject, gauging each other’s potential reaction like teenagers at the mall, but eventually that wore thin and you simply agreed the first to die would be eaten by the other. With this you suddenly both found peace, bobbing without hope or fear on a calm star-lit sea twenty-six hundred nautical miles west of Chile.
Imagine this is you. What I want to know is: Is it ok now, at this point in one’s existence, after sharing this hell together for thirty-eight days to emerge together into this moment of clarity and quiet light…Is it ok now to finally tell that fat fucker to pop that pimple he’s been cultivating on his forehead since 1987. I mean, Christ, look at that thing! I ain’t eating that shit.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Valued Customer
Canada Day/Independence Day Combo Post

Saturday, July 01, 2006
A Photograph
Congratulations, it’s a PC.
He mentioned they are worth $60. This means they are not wrought in Vulcan’s subterranean forge in exchange for the blood of virgins, but rather, may be purchased. I really don’t want to invest in a tool I’ll probably never use again, but I will have my gigabit network.

What do you suggest…..?