Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Built my fishpond two years ago and finally some frogs have moved in, I can hear them out there, and at the very same time Animal Planet is showing a documentary about hippos which also enjoy water – man, that’s spooky.

Do polar bears eat penguins? Of course not, they are exclusive to their respective hemispheres. Do hippos eat frogs? If by ‘frog’ you mean the colloquial diminutive for Stinky Frenchman then no, probably not. Too stinky.

Do I mean I have Stinky Frenchmen living in my pond? No, most of them drowned, the goldfish got one of the little ones, and two escaped. They were later run down with dogs before they could breed or start complaining.

Am I racist for picking on the very Stinky French? No, the Stinky French are not a race, but rather a loose collective spread from Quebec to Polynesia and controlled via a large radio antenna in Paris (although they are not magnetic and may be harassed with iron implements).

Do many Stinky French read this blog? No, not really. It’s in English. What do you think the whole world speaks English? You arrogant bastards.


exile said...

the french are pricks

oh, they speak english just fine, but the straight out refuse to use it.

they're the sole reason canada isn't a utopia (that and it touches america)

SkookumJoe said...

Mom! Canada's touching meeeeee!

exile said...

we touch canada and mexico, it's dutch door action in the states

Anonymous said...

but the Canadians are so polite about touching you, and prob even washed their hands and everything.