Friday, October 13, 2006

Writhing Noodles and Nuclear Nations

Summer has come and I’m writing from the deck on Jr, while Big Media wafts Blue Rodeo’s strange country/jazz out to me and the restless dogs. They are restless because dinner has ended and there are left-over taco makings to be had. Tacos prepared by P3 and friend in return for sleep-over rights and a couple hours at the beach. Food prepared by others is always better unless it’s not, if you know what I mean. My old girlfriend’s mother would fry up hamburger and pour it, fat and all, onto noodles and call it fucking spaghetti. Whatever it was, it had never been near a tomato. You try and eat that shit when you’ve been up 40 hours on coke and whisky. The girl and I were moving away…my friends threw a party, then I had to have dinner with the parents. I still shudder at the memory of those pasty white noodles writhing in grease and dreary grey meat. But those days are over and summer’s here, big westerly coming in from the Red Centre – might hit 40 tomorrow (learn metric).

As you know I don’t follow current events much these days, as I expect to be completely insulated once the baboon compound is completed and I find myself less and less giving a fuck, but I hear North Korea is getting snippy and trying to impress the other dictatorships by being the first to get one of the good weapons the Americans and their pals have been hogging since the forties. What the fuck could the goal be? Simply to blow up Japan? Then what? What could North Korea possibly gain. What’s the angle? Bush will just say they’re crazy, but he thinks everyone is crazy. I think a great many are pretty fucking smart. You don’t hold absolute power over a nation of people for forty years by luck. I mean stop pretending everyone hates you for your ‘freedom’ or lifestyle or democracy or whatever cliché you want to throw out. That’s the oldest propaganda tactic there is and it’s never that simple. No, you need to work out the angle if you want to win. Of course that’s just what a lot of people get paid to do, work out the angles buried in satellite data and the sub-language of diplomacy. You think those people believe it’s all about jealousy over living conditions?

Of course we can’t have NK lobbing nukes around, for whatever reason. Bad enough India and Pakistan have them. They truly are crazy fuckers, who live next door to each other and hate each other. They don’t even need missiles, they can just drive them over on a long weekend. Three or four nukes in that particular part of the world would be a major cluster-fuck. Don’t forget China is neighbours with all of them too. China is about ten minutes away from being an ultra-power (remember who coined it). Bush gets on the wrong side of China it’ll make Iraq look like men poking a puppy with a stick. They’re permanent members of the UN Security Councill, they are a major economic force, they’ve had nukes since the 50’s, they’ve got 100 million men in the standing army and they run most of the corner grocery trade.

By that logic, the French should have they’re nukes taken away too. Actually the French should be rounded up and put to doing something other than making the world’s ugliest cars and complaining about things. Any idiot can make cheese and whine.

And this idiot is finished for today, better feed the dogs and go in. P4 is giving a poetry reading later and I want a good seat.


SkookumJoe said...

51 minutes after I posted this there was a hit on the tracker from "unknown country" - I'm pretty sure we know all the countries now. It must have been the CIA or The Ministry Of French Culture.

exile said...

why can't everyone just fight monkey to monkey


as for our unknown country, i think it could be someone in french-canadian part of the world. who know's where their loyalties lie...