Thursday, April 05, 2007

Entering The Dairy Wasteland

While P4 makes the sandwiches I’ll explain a little more about our proposed route to rescue the Dr, at the impostor army’s den of deadly cheer in the state of Wisconsin, which is similar to the state of catatonia.

As you can see, the really tough part is going to be crossing the Sea of Wisconsin which is, apparently, an entirely black void and where, possibly, the laws of physics are twisted beyond our recognition and super models are hunted for sport. Super sport.

I have equipped the FUC-U with inflatable pontoons which I plan to sell at the dock in order to pay passage across the sea and P4 is bringing her gameboy she got on ebay for 12 cents in case we need to distract the Wisconsinites. Deke ‘em out with some Tetris. Hang-on….message coming in….


Gadzooks either they’ve drugged her or are making her watch the W. channel and she fell asleep before finishing the message. Or is it more code? Or a trick by the impostor army to throw me off the scent, the pungent scent of green grass gone through a cow? No sir, she’s still in the bowels of Wisconsin. They must be trying to get out her secret Dr secrets which are not like regular secrets as they involve stethoscopes, and wacky ties for the men and lesbians.

Right P4 load up the dogs and put your rubber boots on, we’re going into the maw of the beast…


Anonymous said...

Should I take the yellow ones or the blue ones? Ithinkitisimmaterial.

Wacky ties. Hurr hrurr.

It's dark in the bowels of Wisconsin, and it don't smell so good. But it's nice and warm.

SkookumJoe said...

"hurr hrurr"

yes we'll hurry. poor thing can't even get the words out. Unless that's Irish talk...good god she's reverting to Celtic! Far too many consonants for average people.