Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Well we had quite a time rescuing the Dr from the chipper clutches of the impostor army at their secret headquarters which, it turns out, is in the corner booth of a Denny’s in Lac Du Flambeau, Wisconsin. Lac Du Flambeau, sheesh, what’s wrong with plain old Fire Lake? Figures the bloody French have got their clutches into those poor dullards. I notice a town called Rhinelander just to the east. Just like in real Europe. That would explain all the tanks massing on the Wisconsin River and why the southern half of the state is calling itself Viche Wisconsin.

Anyway once we realized we were dealing with frenchish Wisconsinites, P4 and I knew we’d have little trouble. They had the Dr squeezed right in at the back of the booth, so at least two people would have to move to let her out and normally this would be a tough extrication but P4 had it covered. She strolled up to the table and in her best, most coquettish voice began to sing the French national anthem for them. While the table of French-Wisconsinite impostor army kidnappers were jeering at P4 on her lack of snootiness and the non-nasal tone of her voice, the Dr was able to climb up over the back of the seat (after leaving $2.99 for her ham and eggs) and we were away.

Here is an artist’s depiction of the incident. Of course it wasn’t exactly like that as most of the French-Wisconsinite impostor army kidnappers were clean shaven and wore John Deere hats but you get the idea. The Dr has since gone back to work on her secret island and P4 and I are bracing for a counter attack. I think I hear tractors...


Anonymous said...

I distinctly remember I was dressed as a horse, but otherwise the account is pretty spot-on. Eternal gratitude to you and P4 for saving my ass. A daring plan, I must say.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

For a minute, I was afraid the Doctor was naked. In Wisconsin. Where I believe nakedness is illegal.

SkookumJoe said...

oh so you were dressed as a horse. I thought I was having some sort of flash-back.

Actually Exxy, in Wisconsin it's impossible.