Thursday, April 19, 2007

You have searched well, pirate.

The IT department informs me we've had a run of hits from people searching for video of monkeys mating. Not monkeys fucking, or monkeys fornicating or monkeys doing it people-style, just monkeys mating. Monkeys mating, that's what they want to see. Perhaps they are anthropologists or professional monkey breeders looking to improve their monkey mating techniques and the monkey mating techniques of their friends. But most likely they are degenerate monkey mating ass pirates looking to re-live fond memories of monkey mating and the finer points of ass piracy. By far monkey mating is the most common Google search that brings people to SJ. Looking for monkey mating videos, that’s what they’re after. Monkeys mating.

Instead they got this post about how baboon X-2 was learning chess and was mated by his instructor. Simple game of baboon chess, that’s all. You sick bastards, what did you think it was? Oh, I see. Fine then. Against our better judgement, SJ has uncovered this most horrible and vile example of.... you know what.


SkookumJoe said...

nice beaver shot here

exile said...

so X-2 had sex with a chess player?

SkookumJoe said...

not yet. not till i get the video camera and an ebay account